Relationship Information

Attention Guys: Impress Your Girls - Send Flowers!

Remember that big hug she gave you when you got her fresh flowers? It doesn?t have to only happen on Valentine?s Day. Everybody knows that women love to get them, so why is it that men rarely send flowers?

Calling All Single Parents! Why not Try Online Dating?

Forming a relationship when you?re a single mother or father can be a very hard and frustrating time, but why don?t you use the Internet to do most of the work for you?

The Three Rings of Relationships

Glenna Trout is an international authority on face reading whose name I first registered in the context of Domestic Violence. (She contributed to The Kent Constabulary?s extraordinarily informative leaflet on Domestic Violence.) As her eyes read my face, she talked about the Three Rings.

How We Define Our Relationships?

We can fall into the habit of complaining about our relationships, but do we really take the time to evaluate them? Maybe not, because well, we?re always right! He or she never listens to ME or does things the way I think is right (the human EGO speaking loudly here!).

I Love You!

The famous three words we never hear enough of in our life. Throughout our life span we keep looking, waiting and hoping for something to take us, or lead us, to our true love. Have you ever wondered where we can find love?

Power Struggle!

The greatest asset we have in human existence is our soul growth, but somehow we have that confused with becoming powerful. Power does not bring growth unless we understand the essence of sharing that power.

The Battle of the Sexes!

During my personal experiences with some of my relationships, I realised an important factor that a couple in any relationship might experience. The same issue reached my conclusion whilst talking with the people I?ve dealt with during in some of my private consultations. What am I talking about? I guess it is about time to state my intention!

Are You Ready to Handle an Indigo Child?

So what?s new in the world of spirituality and the new age these days? What?s the new talk we keep hearing all about? The talk about the indigo Children is gearing more and more. There are now so many workshops, lectures, books and websites dedicated to discussing this subject. You name it, we?ve got it!

Is It Love or Money?

What do women or men want out of a relationship? I know I want a man who really loves me, and the feelings are definitely reciprocated. I want to grow old with someone. In a nutshell I want my soul mate. Is this the way most women and men feel?

Dont Ignore the Signs: How Emotional Infidelity Can Ruin Your Relationship

Emotional infidelity can start with a simple hi or a wink. It begins in a boardroom or a chatroom. One spouse says, "What's the problem? We're only friends."

Relationship Failing? Consider Your Ways


Relationship Advice: Who Are You and What Have You Done with My Spouse?

"When we marry, we don't marry one person, we marry three. The person we think they are, the person they really are and the person they will become as a result of marrying us."

What Type of a Kisser Are You?

As we all know, there are many types of kiss. Here are some of them, who is the type that uses them and what they mean:

Assuming Personal Responsibility in Relationships

Stephen Covey in 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families says that responsibility is really the ? ability to choose our response.? We don?t have to respond to stimuli and triggers the same way we have always done. We do have a choice. It may take some practice and a real commitment on our part to let go of old patterns and try something new, but it is worth it in peace of mind, deeper relationships and conversations that don?t end in arguments. The kind of communication we seek depends on a number of things; mutual respect and courtesy, a willingness to listen to other points of view and good timing.

Relationship Advice: The Me Approach or the We Approach

A husband and wife were doing a little redecorating and rearranging one weekend morning. They were having an especially hard time pushing a dresser through a hall way door.

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