Relationship Information

Passion or Purpose?

I hate moderation. I hate doing things moderately. I hate having to be controlled, mature, and disciplined. I don't want to moderate how much I eat or drink. I don't want to be moderate with sex, or playing, or vacations. I don't want to moderate what I say for fear it will offend. I don't want to do what's "good for me."

Getting More From Dating, Romantic Relationships, and Marriage

Romantic relationships happen because of the hopes and dreams a couple has for a happy life together. The relationship will continue to be pleasant and rewarding as long as the hopes and dreams are kept alive by staying concerned with what is good about the relationship.

Travel to Find a Russian Bride

Do you agree that the best lessons are lessons given to you by other people who have already made some mistakes so that you wouldn?t repeat them? We are going to have a detailed observation of a certain man?s trip. When coming to Russia he managed to make a lot of mistakes and he can hardly calm down with the idea of getting wiser and more experienced. But you can avoid all this bad stuff! Just imagine you are playing the computer game called ?Taking pleasure from you trip to Russia?. Come on!

Romantic Tips - Keeping Romance Alive

You?ve been in a relationship for quite some time and you notice that the romance that was so abundant in the early days is fading fast. You know that you?ve got to act fast because your relationship is heading for disaster. What can you do to bring back that romantic flare?

Romantic Tips ? Gift Giving

I believe that we have all heard of the standard romantic gifts. Chocolate, flowers, and jewelry, but there is something to be said for the man who thinks out side the box when gift giving holidays roll around.

Noon (A Love Story)

Noon (A Short Love story, dedicated to my wife Rosa)

Confession of the Egoists!

Hamlet has given this generation an awfully amazing and defensive quote ?to be or not to be?. This article is not at all a serious philosophical one but the humor in life has given birth to a new philosophy.

Coping With A New Culture: Problems And Solutions

Coping with a new culture has never been the easiest job of one?s life, for, not only that you miss your friends and family in the new place, you also miss your very own culture. And culture, as the social anthropologists say, is exactly what we do in our life. Going by this definition, you tend to miss everything, everything that you have done since the time you have taken birth, everything that you are used to ? foods, customs, attitudes, languages ? every little thing.

The Friend Who Taught Me

Knowing her day can be dreadfully tiresome when she mounts her soapbox, there's much to like and enjoy about her life so far.

Fear of a Broken Heart

Dear Candace,

Am I Doing the Right Thing?

Dear Candace,

Are You Paralysed By The Fear Of Future Regrets?

Edith Piaf remains an icon and her best loved song, "Non, je ne regrette rien", remains an anthem in part because of the issues that so many of us have with regret. If the emotionally vulnerable Parisian sparrow could live free from regrets then maybe the rest us can also.

I Have A Secret to Share

Dear Candace,

My Fairy Tale Is Gone

Dear Candace,

Zen And Romance

The art of romance and the art of Zen are actually very similar. By romance we mean the feeling of love, happiness, joy and delight in just waking up in the morning. We mean being able to be excited about our day, our lives and the people we meet along the way. This is usually the way we feel when we are with or have met someone we particularly care for who cares for us that way as well.

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