Weight Loss Information
Weight Loss With Ionamin: Gentle Plan, Mighty Results
You know you have will-power. You can change a diaper while on the phone with an important client and then fix a fabulous, healthy meal for your family and your unexpected visitors while arranging your tax receipts. Only a master of willpower could do these things every day!
Weight Loss With Bontril: Smooth Sailing On The Weight Loss Ocean
As many of us know, it?s the first few days of starting a healthy new habit that can be the most discouraging. The first few days of exercise are always the achiest. A new reduced-calorie diet comes with hunger pangs until your body adjusts to the healthier eats.
Fire Your Diet
*Do you truly believe that not eating or cutting back on calories will cause weight to be lost?
Low Gi Diet or Low Carb Diet ? Which One Is Best?
These days, most everyone has heard of low carb diets such as the South Beach and Atkins diet but the GI or glycemic index diet is a fairly new name on the diet scene. While low carb diets restrict the quantity of carbohydrates, the GI diet focuses on the quality of carbohydrates. It works by promoting the consumption of foods that are low on the glycemic index, foods which will have a gently effect on your blood sugar levels and keep you full longer.
Daily Weight Loss Motivation
When you are faced with the daily challenge of trying to lose weight, you will need to find ways to stay motivated every day. The factors that keep weight loss motivation high include your specific goals, your ability to envision what you want to achieve, and the degree of success you have in the beginning.
The Truth About Diet Myths
How do we know what we know? Often, our knowledge comes from through repetition and stories. In childhood, we call them fairy tales or bedtime stories. They amuse or entertain and have with the occasional moral lesson. However, as adults these stories or myths can be harmful when we start making decisions based on their often inaccurate information.
Obesity, Whats The Big Deal
Nowadays, so much of the public is obese (fat) that it is the
?norm?. So much so, that we are starting to ignore this
South Beach Diet The Review Diaries
The Review Diaries
She Unlimited Magazine
Lose 104 Pounds In A Year
Did you ever think about the fact that losing 2 pounds a week adds up to 104 pounds a year? That's a LOT of weight.
Exercise Bike Program - How to Lose Weight
Your pants are a bit tight, you can?t seem to stop eating junk, and you?re tired all of the time. It?s time to get healthy and lose weight. Combined with a more sensible diet, an exercise bike can help you achieve the results you want.
Fun, Fun, Fun: The Best Exercises for Quick Weight Loss
The best exercises for quick weight loss in my opinion are activities that you enjoy because you will be more apt to continue doing them over a long period of time.
How Does Phentermine Work? Learn Pros & Cons Of Phentermine For Weight Loss
Phentermine, like many other prescription drugs, works with chemicals called neurotransmitters in your brain. It actually stimulates your neuron bundles to release a particular group of neurotransmitters known as catecholamines, these include dopamine, epinephrine (formally known as adrenalin), and norepinephrine (noradrenalin).
How Does Phentermine Work? Learn How To Stop Neurotransmitter Depletion
Why has Phentermine stopped helping me lose weight?
Let?s Talk About Fad Diets
Although the big push for fad diets has died down a little bit, it is still estimated that at least two-thirds of Americans are on some type of diet at any given time. Although research shows the importance of eating from all the major food groups, people are still confused about what type of diet to follow, keeping the window open for more quacky solutions to pop up.
Personalized Weight Loss Plans -- Breaking the Yo-Yo Cycle of Failed Diets
Dieting will continue to fail most dieters, unless personalized weight loss plans become more available. A diet designed for a mass market will fail because the diet assumes everything is constant or the same between dieters. Not so.
Personalized weight loss plans have a better chance of succeeding because the personal habits, ideas, and goals of each dieter are used in the design of the diet.
It comes down to, "What is good for you may not be good for me."
Personalized Weight Loss Plans -- The Positives
Personalized weight loss plans, regardless of diet type, are successful for a variety of reasons. An ongoing study comparing dieters on personalized plans and dieters on standardized plans so far demonstrates the following:
1). Dieters stick with personalized plans.
The longer you are in a weight-loss program the more weight you will lose. The trend (no statistical analysis has been performed to date) suggests personalized plans keep dieters motivated longer.
This may help dieters get over the 6th to 8th week hump -- weight loss was easy early but around week 8 becomes difficult.
2). Dieters on personalized plans normalize eating.
To be successful, a person must learn to reassociate eating with hunger. Learning to slow down to allow satiety to catch up with eating is one way to effect this change. This is why binge eaters tend to have the least success with losing weight long term, even though many will appear to be doing very well early in a diet. Personalize their diet and they have a better chance of long term success.
3). Dieters on personalized plans build support networks.
Dieters with personalized weight loss plans generally seek the help of a mentor, guide, or friend more often than dieters on standardized plans.
They tend to build networks of support. Why? Dieters on personalized plans are succeeding. This naturally leads to more motivation to continue and investigate other avenues to help continue their success.
4). Dieters on personalized plans are physically active.
A study from the early nineties concluded that exercise helps long-term weight loss but not short-term. I say it doesn't matter. Eventually, a large enough study that is properly designed will show that exercise at any time in life is beneficial.
This can not be stressed enough...exercise is paramount to your success. Dieters exercise more with personalized weight loss plans.
The best kind is a mix between aerobic exercises and resistance training. The result is toned muscle and protection from age related weight gain.
5). Dieters on personalized plans have control.
Dr. Gene Ogden in her study back in 1993 found that the women who believed their weight problems were caused by their own choices, rather than by metabolism or genetics, were more successful. They believed that they were in control of their weight and, therefore, believed they could lose weight. Personalized Weight Loss Plans give dieters control.
Personalized Diet Plan (PDP) Study -- The Family Associates in Dallas, Texas. Lead investigator is Dr. Steve Walters. According to Dr. Walters, there are approximately 25 overweight patients in each arm and that full publication is expected by August 2005.
This article does not represent final statistical results nor is it associated with The Family Associates.
Interestingly, dieters think they can't lose weight because of circumstances beyond their control. The blame is usually placed on their "slow" metabolisms, their dad's large frame or the diet itself.
The solution...personalized weight loss plans. Put the dieter in control, let him own it, and then watch him succeed. Now, this is not letting the dieter design his own diet, instead, tweak the diet he chooses to fit his lifestyle.
Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland in Baltimore and author of Fight Fat Over Forty (Viking, 2000) said, "You have to believe that you will drop some weight and then begin that journey. Once you believe success is possible, you'll feel less intimidated by the challenges along the way."
Healthy Living!
Michael A. Smith, M.D.
Additional Information is available at The Weight Loss Professional
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Eat Out and Lose Weight -- 25 Easy & Healthy Tips for Dining Out
Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has been quick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have many options to "eat healthy" these days.
Coconut Oil Diets
Have you heard about coconut oil diets yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, getting more energy, and getting healthier.
Conspiracy Foods, The Inside Story about the Mass Produced Foods that are Making Society Sick
Food manufacturers can easily manipulate a whole population by the products they make available at a cheap price. The way those foods are processed and the things that are added to them can decide the level of health that millions of people experience. These days the most widely marketed and consumed foods in the western world create health problems that have turned entire populations into 'cash cows' for the drug companies and medical industry. You have a choice about the foods you eat and you can choose good health or sickness.
7 Power Packed Tips to Help You Lose Weight & Gain Optimal Health
Did you know that what you're eating could be making your body toxic? I mean so toxic to point that your body is unable to metabolize food. These little critters, called parasites, feed off of foods that have sugar and yeast. This is what causes people to eat junk food around the clock and never feel satisfied. Therefore, it is vital that you detoxify the body
before starting any weight loss program.
Weigh Loss and your Self Image ? Are You Worthy to Feel Better?
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I Lost the Weight So Why Am I So Miserable?
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What Cows Know About Weight Loss That We Have Forgotten
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Hang In There Dieters, Help Is At Hand!!
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Break Your Weight Loss Plateau
How to Break Your Plateau
How Body Mass Index Works ? Set Your Weight Loss Goals
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4 Surefire Ways NOT To Lose Weight At Your Health Club
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Causes of Childhood Obesity
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The Milk Diet -- Is it Your Solution for Losing Weight?
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Have You Tried These Weight Loss Tips?
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Obesity - How it Affects Your Health
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Dieting? Upgrading Your Non-Conscious Mind ? Part 2
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Your Metabolism and Fat Loss
If you know someone that has been trying to lose weight and get into shape, you have probably heard words such as, "I just eat one meal a day to lose weight" or "I'm afraid if I eat, I'll gain weight" but sadly, this misnomer is why so many people are in the "battle of the bulge". People all over the world still believe that eating breakfast, or even three meals a day will cause them to gain weight. In truth, as long as they are eating the right types of foods and exercising, then three normal meals or six small meals a day will actually work better with their metabolism than eating the wrong quantities or not eating often enough.