Weight Loss Information

The One and Only Way to Lose Weight

There is only one way to lose weight

The Art of Snacking to Lose Weight

Control that sweet tooth. Remember that sweet things generally mean more calories. It is natural that we have cravings for sweet things especially chocolates and other confectionary. Go easy on theses things and each time you consume something sweet understand that it is going to add on somewhere.

Spritz On Some Flavor!

Now that everything from a tan to pantyhose comes in a spray form, it's little wonder someone has found a way to put liquid pork in a can.

Are You Losing Weight and Getting Fatter?

Your Can Turn Fat into Muscle......

Are You Stuck Losing Weight?

Don't get discouraged. I, too, have found myself in this predicament in the past. And, it is possible to overcome. But, there are a few things that need to be considered.

How to Burn Pure Fat and Lose Weight More Quickly

If you?re trying lose weight, maintain your weight, or sculpt your body, than you?re probably trying to discover how to burn pure fat. You want to know what you can do to make your body burn fat faster and more efficiently.

The Secret to Reaching Your Ideal Weight

There are many books and internet articles written about weight control. However, if you already know the stuff you should be doing, you might want to skip past the next section of this article. For those of you who are starting at the beginning, here?s some useful information:

Taking Control of Your Subconscious for Permanent Weight Loss

From the moment of birth your first emotional experiences establish your subconscious perceptions of the world. There is not a moment of the day or night that you are not affected by your emotions. More often than not it is your programmed emotional states, not logic that control your behavior. Therefore in order to apply the process of Burris MIND/FITNESS you must first understand how your subconscious mind works.

Breast Cancer - Another Obesity Victim

Obesity raises the risk of various types of cancer. And only 3% people know that obesity increases cancer risks. According to a recent research based on one million Americans conducted by the American cancer society, 14% of cancer deaths in men and 20% of cancer deaths in women occur due to Obesity. Scientists say that 90,000 deaths can be avoided in America if they take good care to maintain their body weight. Women are more likely to get cancer in their breasts, gallbladder, ovaries, colon and cervix while men get cancer in colon and rectum.

7 Tips for Dieting Success

There are lots of dieters, trying every sort of plan to lose weight and get healthier. But, rather than examine diet plans or the details of how and why low-carb diets work, here are some useful tips that can be used in any diet plan -- and, really, in any sensible approach to eating.

Aerobics Imposters

In health clubs, they run classes that call themselves "aerobics". As you will come to see, they are neither aerobic, nor are they the best way to lose the excess fat. The main thing they accomplish for you is losing weight from your wallet.

Reasons for Obesity

Causes of Obesity

How To Drop Your Weight and Become Healthier Using These 7 Everyday Life Tips

These days more and more people are getting intellectual instead of physical jobs. Sitting in the office chairs all-day long has become a norm for many of us. Stress, busyness, and rush make us forget about regular food and stuff our stomachs with cheeseburgers and sodas, which don?t do anything good for our bodies.

Exercise, Diet and Weight Loss ? When Do Your Desires Turn into Lifestyle Habits?

Just one more day I can do this, I told myself in the beginning. When I awoke the next morning, I said it again, ?Just one more day I can do this.? I knew in my heart that if I kept a one day at a time attitude something had to happen with my body and my mind.

Teenage Weight Loss -- How Teenagers Can Safely Lose Weight

Teenagers with body mass indices between 25 and 30 require immediate medical attention. The internal stress caused from so much weight almost guarantees the premature development of medical problems such as diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and stroke.

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