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Compulsive Eating and Binge Eating Disaster Plan Congratulations on waking up each morning and greeting the day with renewed determination! Perhaps you rise and say, Today's the day - I will make it through the entire day sticking to my diet goals." What a wonderful, optimistic way to begin a fresh day. Ahead of you lies the promise of a new day, a fresh start. Pediatric Obesity and Vitamin Deficiency - Developments to Fight Future Disease Obesity, especially in children, is a matter of rapidly growing concern in the United States. For the first time in decades, we are projecting a decline in life expectancy for the current generation of pre-teens and children! This crisis has attracted the attention of everyone from former president Bill Clinton to the Surgeon General to pediatricians and parents everywhere. Have You Tried These Weight Loss Tips? The following are weight loss tips that you can start applying today... Mediterranean Diet - What is It? Well, to begin with, there isn't really any one Mediterranean Diet! There's a whole swag of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The basic Mediterranean Diet has common characteristics even if the sourrounding countries differ in culture, language and recipes to some extent. Carb Crazed Low Carb diets have become as popular as apple pie (although apple pie wouldn't be allowed!). Everywhere you go the message is "low carb, decrease your carbs, or no carbs". Unfortunately this message oversimplifies many of the healthy eating habits that nutrition experts have been teaching. The truth is, there are no quick fixes or easy answers when it comes to healthy eating, and one size never fits all. 3 Easy Dieting Success Tips 1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day Weight Loss Recipe: Avocado, Walnut & Crispy Bacon Salad Losing weight doesn't have to be boring when you focus on bright, colourful meals. What does this mean? Simply by making sure your plate reflects a range of colours, you'll naturally create more balanced and healthful menus. Not everyone has the time or the patience to count calories, but assessing the colours on your plate is something anyone can do - and it only takes an instant! Failed at Weight Loss: Heres Hope All Diets Work: No Diets Work Supersizing America For some of us, food is warmth and love. We associate it with home and childhood: tempting smells that greeted us after school on a cold December afternoon. The kitchen served as the center of the house under the kindly direction of the Captain in the apron. If we were good, we might be allowed to stir the pot. If we were very good, we got to clean out the mixing bowl. How To Find Your Ideal Body Weight A calorie is the unit used to measure the energy value of food and the energy used by the body to maintain normal functions. When the calories from food intake equal the calories of energy the body uses, weight remains constant. But when more calories are eaten than the body needs, the body stores those additional calories as fat, causing subsequent weight gain. One pound (1 lb) of fat represents about 3,500 excess calories. Obesity in America -- The Growing Epidemic! Obesity is a disease that affects approximately 60 million people in the United States, where women are especially affected. Over one-third of women between the ages of 20 and 74 are obese, the majority of them being African American or Mexican American. With more and more pre-packaged food and less and less activity, the number of obese people in America has steadily increased since the 1960's. The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight (But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!) What the Diet Industry Wont Tell You--6 Secrets Revealed I am not a diet and fitness guru or an obesity expert. I'm just a normal person who was where you are today, overweight and hating it. Two years ago I lost weight without throwing money into the multi-billion dollar diet industry, and you can too. This booklet was written to show you how. Weight Loss Can Be Achieved In As Little As 5 Days By Increasing Your Metabolism One-size-fits-all diets don't work....but then you probably know that already. Have you ever tried a diet that your friend raved about, but which brought you little or no results? Why would this happen? People are biochemical individuals and react differently to foods ? this is why one diet may work for your friend, but not for you. You need to determine what is the best combination of foods for your body. Atkins Bankruptcy: Your New Decisions To A Healthy Life! Atkins Nutritionals filed for bankruptcy at the beginning of August 2005 in light of a decline in the diet's popularity and profits. Atkins low carbohydrate craze focused on eliminating grains, fruits and vegetables to shed weight, and embraced high-protein diets rich in meat and cheese. As the popularity of the diet grew, stores, restaurants and manufacturers bent over backwards to respond to a new weight-conscious market. Last year, at the height of the Atkins craze, approximately 9 percent of Americans were following a low-carb diet such as Atkins. Recent surveys indicate the diets popularity had fallen way down to 2 percent. Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms ? Part 2 A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way. (If you've missed part 1 of this article, or want to read part 3, you can find them both at http://www.mambomoms.com/articles.html) On A Diet? Ensure You Get Enough Nutritional Supplements For Your Good Health There is never any absolute certainty about what the nutritional requirements are for the human body of a certain age, size and gender. Scientific research on the subject takes a long time, and results are often not that clear. But, at least scientific research into the subject of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional requirements is being undertaken seriously, and taken seriously by governments. After WLS: Goodbye Self-Loathing! Hello Self-Loving! You won't believe what happened to me today! Japanese Weight Loss Secret Recently, I read an article from Japanese magazine that by consuming agar-agar (dried-kanten) with our favorite teas, we can lose weight, and yet still maintain a feeling of fullness, according to Professor Takako Yasuoka of Yokohama Soei Junior College in Kanagawa. Because it was deemed safe, the Japanese valued agar-agar as part of their diet from ancient times. In its dehydrated state of weight, agar-agar supposedly contains 81% of dietary fiber, which makes it a highest content of fiber among all foods! Due to its unique chemical property, when you dissolve agar-agar in boiled water and refrigerate it, it sets. How to Gain More Pleasure While Losing Weight It's easy to lose sight of our goals, "Do I eat one of these delicious looking, fruit engorged, glossy, sugar coated lovelies or ... that other thing. What was that? Something about losing weight? Ah, well, it's just one little Danish." ![]() |
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