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Weight Loss Information
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Excess Weight - Is It Going To Kill You? For many years, the experts, including our government have been telling Americans that obesity is a leading cause of preventable deaths. For example, as recently as January, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) ranked obesity as the second leading cause of preventable death, and estimated that about 365,000 Americans died as the result of obesity every year. The Practical Way to Lose Fat Today's society is about speed. We no longer have to wait for the oven to warm our food because we have microwaves ready to do the work in less time. Breaking news events don't travel by telegraph across the great oceans; they are transmitted instantly with live video over the Internet or bounced from the array of satellites that float in constant, geosynchronous orbit. It comes as no surprise that supplement sales are on the rise as we continue to seek out quick, convenient ways to lose fat ? fast! When Losing Weight Seems Hopeless Sometimes it's good to just let the feelings flow. Take out a piece of paper and just start writing your feelings down on paper. I do this when I start to feel overwhelmed. We all have certain tendencies and mine is to put too much on my place (food or otherwise), then when I'm upset because I have too much (to eat, too much to do), I feel hopeless. It's too much to handle, and I just don't know what to do. The Secret Meaning Of Compulsive Eating Behaviors Food is not simply fuel to keep you going. Nor is it the enemy, out to turn your body into an ugly fat mass or clog up your arteries. So many expert sources dispense food "rules" to live by: Eat four of this every day, eat three of these everyday. Avoid these certain foods at all costs. Eat this food in moderation. The evening news bombards us with food dangers. Diets provide even more wacky "rules." No wonder food is such a messy subject. It's turned into an intellectual battle of good versus evil. Is There a New Fat Loss Miracle on the Horizon? For the past several years one subject has been coming up quite often and has really started to be quite a hot topic. The subject is a fat known as CLA which stands for Conjugated Linoleic Acid. According to the rumors this stuff will cure cancer, lower your cholesterol and decrease your body fat especially around the middle all at one time. Kind of like the superman of fats. Personalized Weight Loss Plans -- Breaking the Yo-Yo Cycle of Failed Diets Dieting will continue to fail most dieters, unless personalized weight loss plans become more available. A diet designed for a mass market will fail because the diet assumes everything is constant or the same between dieters. Not so. Personalized weight loss plans have a better chance of succeeding because the personal habits, ideas, and goals of each dieter are used in the design of the diet. It comes down to, "What is good for you may not be good for me." Personalized Weight Loss Plans -- The Positives Personalized weight loss plans, regardless of diet type, are successful for a variety of reasons. An ongoing study comparing dieters on personalized plans and dieters on standardized plans so far demonstrates the following: 1). Dieters stick with personalized plans. The longer you are in a weight-loss program the more weight you will lose. The trend (no statistical analysis has been performed to date) suggests personalized plans keep dieters motivated longer. This may help dieters get over the 6th to 8th week hump -- weight loss was easy early but around week 8 becomes difficult. 2). Dieters on personalized plans normalize eating. To be successful, a person must learn to reassociate eating with hunger. Learning to slow down to allow satiety to catch up with eating is one way to effect this change. This is why binge eaters tend to have the least success with losing weight long term, even though many will appear to be doing very well early in a diet. Personalize their diet and they have a better chance of long term success. 3). Dieters on personalized plans build support networks. Dieters with personalized weight loss plans generally seek the help of a mentor, guide, or friend more often than dieters on standardized plans. They tend to build networks of support. Why? Dieters on personalized plans are succeeding. This naturally leads to more motivation to continue and investigate other avenues to help continue their success. 4). Dieters on personalized plans are physically active. A study from the early nineties concluded that exercise helps long-term weight loss but not short-term. I say it doesn't matter. Eventually, a large enough study that is properly designed will show that exercise at any time in life is beneficial. This can not be stressed enough...exercise is paramount to your success. Dieters exercise more with personalized weight loss plans. The best kind is a mix between aerobic exercises and resistance training. The result is toned muscle and protection from age related weight gain. 5). Dieters on personalized plans have control. Dr. Gene Ogden in her study back in 1993 found that the women who believed their weight problems were caused by their own choices, rather than by metabolism or genetics, were more successful. They believed that they were in control of their weight and, therefore, believed they could lose weight. Personalized Weight Loss Plans give dieters control. Personalized Diet Plan (PDP) Study -- The Family Associates in Dallas, Texas. Lead investigator is Dr. Steve Walters. According to Dr. Walters, there are approximately 25 overweight patients in each arm and that full publication is expected by August 2005. This article does not represent final statistical results nor is it associated with The Family Associates. Interestingly, dieters think they can't lose weight because of circumstances beyond their control. The blame is usually placed on their "slow" metabolisms, their dad's large frame or the diet itself. The solution...personalized weight loss plans. Put the dieter in control, let him own it, and then watch him succeed. Now, this is not letting the dieter design his own diet, instead, tweak the diet he chooses to fit his lifestyle. Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland in Baltimore and author of Fight Fat Over Forty (Viking, 2000) said, "You have to believe that you will drop some weight and then begin that journey. Once you believe success is possible, you'll feel less intimidated by the challenges along the way." Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, M.D. Additional Information is available at The Weight Loss Professional Half of our Nation is Overweight! Experts say obesity will overtake smoking as the biggest health problem of the decade. They are predicting a quarter of the population will be suffering from weight related diabetes by 2013. Calorie Burn? Know The Optimum Walking Speed For Greatest Results Calorie burn can be really enhanced if you follow a very simple but effective way to judge if your walking speed is optimum, yet safe. 3 Secrets Your Diet Book Wont Tell You Are you wondering why you're not losing weight? If you're like me, you've tried every fad diet imaginable, and nothing seems to work ? at least not long-term. I've personally tried Weight Watchers (that worked great until my schedule changed and I was no longer able to attend meetings), Atkins (not easy to follow for someone who travels a lot and loves to dine out), and crazy fad diets like the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet, juice fasts, and countless others. I was hungry all the time, and I wasn't able to sustain any substantial weight loss because there are three secrets that NONE of those diets told me. For All Walks of Life Why Walking Could Be the Solution to Your Fitness Dilemma. Top 10 Weight Loss and Fitness Myths WARNING: Don't weight train until after Fat Burners: The Shocking Truth Fat Burners refer to the hundreds of products on the market today that can be purchased over the counter. Their purpose is to somehow burn off the fat by speeding up metabolism, or blocking fat in foods, or other methods. 11 Tips for Easy Weight Loss 1. CUT THE SIMPLE CARBS. Five Serious Dangers of Low Carbohydrate Diets Cancer How Does Phentermine Work? Learn How To Stop Neurotransmitter Depletion Why has Phentermine stopped helping me lose weight? The Science of Obesity: Fats & Cholesterol For years we heard that a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet would keep us healthy and help us lose weight. And many of us jumped on the bandwagon, eliminating fat and high-cholesterol foods from our diets. Well, unfortunately, we were doing it all wrong. Weight Loss and Disease ? It?s Not the Food that?s Killing Us! Whether coming from a close friend, the nightly news or from a letter in the mail, it's hard to face the truth at times. Hearing it can really cut to the core of our beings. Today, fitness books are mostly filled with advertisements, pill pushers and unrealistic programs that give people false hope. My intention is to give you real hope and with that you'll get straight talk. The Ultimate Weight Loss Attitude We in the diet and exercise industry have our own opinions on what diets work and which ones are just sales gimmicks. This can be very discouraging to you the consumer. Unfortunately, a lot of people want to get on the band wagon of wellness and tap into millions of Americans desperate need to feel better, lose weight and get in better shape. Cafeteria At Fault for College Weight Gain College weight gain is at an all time high, and as students continue to pack on the pounds at an increasing rate, we naturally want to know where the blame lies for this growing epidemic. Since food consumption contributes significantly to weight gain, is it safe to assume that cafeterias are responsible for the expanding waistlines of our students? Read on for three reasons why the cafeteria food you eat is making you fat, and tips to help you stop the weight gain. Weight Loss with NO Dieting! The Five Mindsets for Success Any dietary plan on the market has some portion of it that works, but the basic principle of any good eating program, no matter how sugarcoated, centers around calories IN- calories OUT. Most diets are just too unrealistic for a person's lifestyle. Plus they don't supply enough basic nutritional needs for people to stay with them. Balance is the key! Attitude is the key to keeping balance!! ![]() |
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