Weight Loss Information

Putting it Off Until Im Thinner

I can't do that Until I Lose This Weight!

Eating Food Just to Be Rid of It

What to Do with the Leftovers?Okay, tell me if you've ever done this: It's Monday late afternoon. You decided yesterday that starting today you were going to 1) eat right, and 2) start to get regular exercise, and 3) give up all your bad habits. So, you're picking things up around the house and starting to notice all the little bits and pieces of leftovers from the past weekend. Namely, cookies here, and small bits of candy there. In my house today I noticed I had three large shortbread cookies (I'm overly fond of shortbread cookies with icing), several bags of the candy that resemble real rocks which I keep saying I want to put in a jar, but I haven't found just the right jar (for display, you know), and the leftovers from the latest summer picnic, which in my case is about five pounds of fruit salad - not bad in itself, but I can only eat so much fruit salad.

Managing Cravings with EFT

There are several ways to manage cravings. You can: Attempt to stop eating the food you crave entirely (out of sight out of mind). Modify your eating habits around a particular food, i.e. cut back on the quantity or how often you indulge. Use EFT to end the attachment you have to this particular food.

Action Plan to Take the Weight Off This Year

Addicted to Restaurants

Losing Weight is All About Counting Calories/Carbs and Exercising. Or Is It?

Losing Weight is All About Counting Calories/Carbs and Exercising. Or Is It? 5 Tips to Consider When You Want To Lose Fat Forever.

Calcium - The Key To Quick Weight Loss

Are you dieting your way to bone loss?

Four Big Weight Loss No-Nos

I've worked with hundreds of people who were interested in losing weight. Overthe years I've noticed four areas that I believe are particular hindrancesto weight loss. If your goal is to be successful at losing weight and keeping it off, avoid the "big 4" no-nos.

Top 15 Reasons to Avoid Low Carb Diets

Low carb (carbohydrate), high protein diets are the latest

Oxygen Therapy For Weight Loss?

The chemistry sounds very straightforward. Human body fat is a combination of three elements - hydrogen, carbon and oxygen molecules (plus other substances that are stored within the fat cells).

Top 10 Points of Encouragement for Weight Loss

On the road to weight loss, fitness,

Faster Fat Loss Thats Healthy

I received a telephone call from a lady

Have You Given Up on Weight Loss?

Have You Given Up on Weight Loss?

The Jiggle Effect on Faster Weight Loss

Exercise Physiologists who study the effects of

Overweight - Answering Your Critics

There are those that walk amongst us who have followed all the advice, diligently dieted and exercised with genuine effort for long periods of time, yet still fail to lose their excess weight.

Top 10 Weight Loss and Fitness Myths

WARNING: Don't weight train until after

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