Weight Loss Information
The Truth About Dieting And Weight Loss
You may not like what I?m about to say, but dieting alone will not help you to lose weight. Watching your diet alone is not going to yield results unless it is coupled with proper exercise. You have to make a conscious effort for this. And the solution for this is a workout routine. Yes there are people that lose weight just from cutting down on their fat intake, carbohydrate intake, protein intake, or calories in general; but have you seen the results under their clothes? It is not a pretty sight! Without exercise (weight training in particular) your body has no way of toning up, and you could be left with near sagging skin with a non attractive shape. Also, losing weight from diets is mostly water weight loss and not fat loss. Do you want to lose water from your body and become dehydrated? Or do you want to lose Fat? The absolute only way to burn a high percentage of body fat is through exercise. The only reason why anyone should choose a diet plan is to see which one can help complement their workout program. The diet plan you choose should be one that you can stick to for the rest of your life, and it should be healthy for your body. Diet is such a short term word, so think of dieting as changing your eating habits for the long term. Your eating habits should provide you with enough protein for your muscles and enough carbohydrates for energy as well as other vital nutrients.
Burning Fat vs. Burning Calories
To lose weight and get in shape you must have a good diet and exercise regularly to burn fat. The first thing you must understand about exercise is that just because you are burning calories does not mean you are burning fat. Your main focus when you exercise should be losing body fat, and you can?t lose body fat just from burning calories. When we exercise, our bodies will start burning calories, but the calories that are burned are the calories from carbohydrates in our system. In order to burn calories from your stored fat, your body requires the presence of oxygen. There is a certain amount of oxygen that your body needs in order to start burning fat and the only way for you to measure the amount needed for your own body is to keep up with your target heart rate during exercise. Please understand that if you continue to only burn calories from carbohydrates, you will lose mostly ?water weight? which leads to a decrease in your metabolism. Also, think of the calories that are burned from carbohydrates as your energy calories. If you lose too much energy calories then your muscles will not receive enough energy to increase your metabolism which indirectly burn fat. Therefore you must increase your calorie intake when you are on an exercise program to replace your burned energy calories.
5 Tips For Weight Loss
Are you ready to lose some weight? Perhaps you?re surfing for the magic pill that will vanish your weight away. Maybe you?re simply searching for the right information to help you lose and keep the weight off. Whatever the case, here?s some surefire tips to help you with your weight loss.
Want To Lose Fat? Eat More of This
If you've been working out with weights for any length of time, you know the importance of supplying your body with frequent feedings of quality protein so that your body will be able to have the necessary building blocks to build muscle in the shortest amount of time possible.
Learn The Basics Of Weight Loss
Have you been surfing the web trying to find a way to lose weight? Are you looking for the perfect solution to your weight loss desires? If you have done much surfing, I?m sure you?ve found thousands of sites offering to provide you with the BEST weight loss solution. Are they all the BEST? Do they all work wonders? Will you never have to worry about weight loss again?
Dont Be Misled. The Best Attitude and Action for Weight Loss
Weight loss can be one of the most difficult things to accomplish. Today?s media and the marketplace can sometimes make the effort of weight loss even harder. Like it or not most societies in the developed countries are heavily motivated by the media. Television, radio, newspapers, direct mail, and the Internet all contribute heavily to our beliefs, our attitudes and ultimately our actions. So, when it comes to weight loss, how do you determine the right solution for your situation? Who do you believe and who do you discount?
Weight Loss and Diet Programs - The Real Skinny on What Works Best!
Have you ever wondered with all the weight loss programs
offered today, why we are on the verge of a diabetic and
obesity epidemic? Have you ever thought that maybe doctors
and gym owners would rather you not know the right way to
lose weight? Think about it? If we did, whose pocket
would it hurt? On the other hand, maybe they just are not
motivated enough to explain it us? Worse yet, maybe they
don't even know how to help us long term?
Eat Out and Lose Weight -- 25 Easy & Healthy Tips for Dining Out
Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has been quick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have many options to "eat healthy" these days.
Exercise Resistance! - The Secret Barriers that Prevent Weight Loss
Getting started on an exercise program is one thing. Staying
on it is the bigger challenge. We have all been there.
New Years Eve comes around and wham! Instant motivation! It
is only a small percentage however that sticks with it. Why?
When you hear the term exercise resistance you of course
think of strength training with weights, don't you? Well,
it can also mean something else.
Is the New ?High-protein Low-saturated Fat? Diet the Answer to Weight Loss?
The heated debate, within diet circles, that began a few years ago and continues today is over the effectiveness of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate, type diet versus its counterpart, the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet.
Lose Weight and Keep it Off Permanently Without Fancy Diets
For years the experts have been telling us that diets do not work, and my experience in the field for almost twenty years confirms that. Yet every year several new fad diets and supplements emerge, claiming they have the answer, and making people rich.
Developing Mental Toughness For Permanent Weight Loss
Losing weight and keeping it off is much more than eating right and exercising hard. In order to lose weight and keep it off, especially in today?s stressful society, you must be mentally tough.
Is Diet Confusion Stopping You From Losing Weight?
Diet advice ? a million ?experts?, hundreds of snake-oil miracle pills, and an infinite number of human bodies make losing weight the subject of controversy and confusion.
Glucagon and Aging - Breakfast How Not To Start The Day Part III
A question from one of our readers:
The Effect Of A Low Carb Diet On Your Insulin Level
The underlying principles of low carb diets are based on the role of insulin in our body. There are three basic units the body uses for energy: Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates.
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Blow Those Fat Cells to Smitherines in Just 9 Short Days
Close kept secrets to weight loss: Give me 9 days and blow those fat cells to smitherines!
Have You Tried These Weight Loss Tips?
The following are weight loss tips that you can start applying today...
The Truth About Losing Fat On Your Stomach
Do you know anybody who does not wish to get rid of the fat on one particular area of their body? I have not met anybody like that!
LapBand Surgery: The Rules of the Road, Part 2
The Constant Quest for Restriction; Not enough vs. too much
Why Are There Different Diet Types?
Diet is a dreadful word for most of us because it will mean food deprivation. This is especially so for those who love to eat, hearing this word seems like asking them to commit suicide. However, the term diet is not what we know it to be, because the definition of the word diet is "the usual food and drink of a person" or "something that is used, enjoyed or provided regularly". Having said this, nothing is dreadful in the word; in fact, it is something enjoyed as the dictionary tells us. Will this change our fear of the word diet? May be not but at least I will try and explain a little bit more about diet and dieting that we know it to be.
Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips ? Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 7 of 10
People usually quit weightloss and exercise programs for one of two reasons:
boredom or lack of results, maybe even both!
Weight Loss in Children
What is "too young" to begin a weight loss program with children? Is there actually such a thing? There are many different opinions on the topic of child obesity but one thing everyone can agree on is that it is becoming an epidemic in North America. Many reports show that obesity now kills more people in a year than smoking does.
Weight Loss Proteins -- The Casein & Whey Protein Debate
The weight loss protein debate centers around the effectiveness of casein and whey protein as weight loss supplements. Which type of protein can help you safely lose weight?
Weight Loss and Diet Programs - The Real Skinny on What Works Best!
Have you ever wondered with all the weight loss programs
offered today, why we are on the verge of a diabetic and
obesity epidemic? Have you ever thought that maybe doctors
and gym owners would rather you not know the right way to
lose weight? Think about it? If we did, whose pocket
would it hurt? On the other hand, maybe they just are not
motivated enough to explain it us? Worse yet, maybe they
don't even know how to help us long term?
Volumetrics Adverse Events - Two Potential Outcomes
Adverse Events with Volumetrics
Weight Loss Secrets -- It?s About Perspectives!
Any dietary plan on the market has some portion of it that works, but the basic principle of any good eating program, no matter how sugarcoated, centers around calories IN- calories OUT.
The Atkins Diet
Fast Weight Loss - Can You Really Lose 60lbs in 30 Days?
Fast Weight Loss - Is it better to lose 2lbs a day or 2lbs a week?
Plan Your Way to Weight Loss Success
Like millions of men and women, I started resolving to exercise more and lose the weight for good. Months later, I haven't been to the gym any more frequently than last time I resolved to lose weight and exercise. Why not? I meant well. I had the best intentions. But according to experts I failed because I didn't have a plan.
Tips for Effective Weight Loss
Weight Loss tips
Reasons for Obesity
Causes of Obesity
7 Ways to Stop Nighttime Snacking in Front of the TV
Stop Being Influenced by Food Ads on TV
Weight Loss Program: Do Your Expectations Sabotage Your Success?
When women talk about their biggest obstacles to successful weight and health management, we often hear about hurdles like not enough time or knowledge to prepare healthy meals. Or frequent social occasions that involve food. Or hectic schedules, or stress in their lives, or transitions they're currently going through. The list goes on. But if you're like many of us, it's really none of these. Instead, our biggest obstacle is unrealistic expectations.
Is the New ?High-protein Low-saturated Fat? Diet the Answer to Weight Loss?
The heated debate, within diet circles, that began a few years ago and continues today is over the effectiveness of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate, type diet versus its counterpart, the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet.
Weight Loss: Its Not Always What You Eat, But What You Dont Eat
On a little island half way in between Guam and the
Philippines there is a rampant epidemic affecting
the inhabitants. This tiny island of approximately
8,200 people is not afflicted with famine or a deadly
disease as you might think when talking about an
epidemic... the islanders are dying at much earlier
ages that at any other time in their history. They have
alarmingly high rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes
and obesity.