Weight Loss Information

The Atkins Diet - Separating Fact From Fiction

Have you ever wished for a diet where you ate bacon, eggs, red meat, butter and sausage all day? Surprise! It?s not the Atkins Diet.

Will The Real Fitness Hormone Please Stand Up!

New Medical Research shows high-intensity exercise can increase the body?s natural production of the fitness hormone by 530%!

The Mind Body-Fat Connection

Negative thoughts, symbolic protection, being who we really are ..... we?re definitely getting closer. It does come from within, we believe that much. But how? How do we connect a de-railed inner state of mind to real life obesity without the hocus pocus element?

The Secret To Permanent Weight Loss

AND SAVE MONEY IN THE PROCESS. The secret is simple and basic. Just three little words --- DON'T BUY IT! If you don't buy it, you won't eat it. If you don't eat it, you won't get fat. So your problem starts at the store or restaurant.

FAT LOSS: The Truth On Fat Loss And How To Achieve It!

Fat Loss in General

Successful Weight-loss Pointers

Well we're at it again, trying to honor our promise on New Year's Day to lose weight and tone up those flabby parts. Although the year's still young more than half of our New Year's Resolutioners have strayed from their promise of fitness and or weightloss. The reasons may vary as to why their resolutions have been pushed to the side, one common compliant is difficulty in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Why? It's difficulty to break old HABITS!

Myth: Gastric Bypass Patients Dont Need to Exercise to Lose Weight

Nothing is more disappointing than hearing a gastric bypass patient brag that they didn?t have to exercise to lose weight. It?s true; patients will lose weight without lifting a finger. In fact, for many, the lack of physical effort required to lose weight is an appealing part of weight loss surgery. But patients who do not use the time of rapid weight loss to incorporate exercise into their lifestyle are doing themselves a grave disservice.

Too Many Calories

How many calories do you need? Well, that depends on a lot of things. Your age, sex, type of work, physical activity, all come into play. There is no one answer for this type of thing. I have to warn you, I don't believe the general ideas on how many calories a person should have. If you have a 2,000 calorie diet, you are starving yourself.

Obesity - The Number 1 Health Issue in the US

Obesity is quickly becoming the number one health issue confronting America today, and it's not just America, other countries are affected also. Obesity leads to a multitude of health problems including, but certianly not limited too:

Weight Loss Surgery: Successful Patients Embrace Four Stages of Growth

Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) is often viewed as a quick fix for morbid obesity. One day a person is fat, the next they are not. While it may appear to onlookers that a gastric bypass patient is losing the weight without personal struggle or effort, this really isn?t true. WLS patients must follow four rules for success and they experience four phases of growth following surgery.

Dieting to Death

It has been 15 years since I was diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa and I have been recovered for 12 years. To this day if I head for the washroom after a meal my mother feels the panic start to well up inside of her. Her first reaction to the news that her daughter was bulimic, like so many other mothers, was shock. This had been going on for 7 years and she never knew and she just couldn?t understand why.

Gastric Bypass Myth ? All Patients Stretch their Stomachs and Regain Weight

Have a conversation about gastric bypass surgery with just about anyone and you will hear, ?Yeah, I know someone who had that done and within a year they stretched out their stomach and regained all that weight ? plus some.?

Diet Candy for Delicious Weight Loss

There are currently over 100 billion dollars sold in weight-loss and energy products each year. Weight-loss is a very serious and emotional issue. In fact, it's so big that doctors and scientists are referring to it as "catastrophic" in nature. Despite the efforts of researchers world over, North America is facing a "fat epidemic."

Solution to Obesity

First of all we need to find out a reason for this growing mountain of fat that is killing us.

Lose Weight Permanently And Maximize Health With New Diet & Exercise Habits

I?m sick of all the fad diets I see people preaching about, as if the only thing that matters is losing a lot of weight fast. We need to focus on permanent weight loss as a result of permanent changes to dieting and exercise habits. Unless you have extremely potent will-power, this can be a tough task to complete. One proven solution is to get support from other people who are not only your friends, but must be in the same situation that you are; they must know exactly what you?re going through today. Think of this small community as your weight loss partners.

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