Weight Loss Information
Fast Weight Loss Secret Revealed ? Move it or Lose it!
Some of you will not like what I have to say, even though it is the truth. And that may be where the problem of American?s health problems lies. No one wants to give you the truth. My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility lies in giving you straight talk with no sugar coating it.
How To Select A Weight Loss Program
Choosing a weight loss program may be a daunting task. You may not know what to look for in a weight-loss program or what questions to ask. This information can help you make an informed decision about joining a program.
Japanese Weight Loss Secret
Recently, I read an article from Japanese magazine that by consuming agar-agar (dried-kanten) with our favorite teas, we can lose weight, and yet still maintain a feeling of fullness, according to Professor Takako Yasuoka of Yokohama Soei Junior College in Kanagawa. Because it was deemed safe, the Japanese valued agar-agar as part of their diet from ancient times. In its dehydrated state of weight, agar-agar supposedly contains 81% of dietary fiber, which makes it a highest content of fiber among all foods! Due to its unique chemical property, when you dissolve agar-agar in boiled water and refrigerate it, it sets.
Dealing with Childhood Obesity
Experts tell us that overweight or obese children have reached epidemic proportions. If you spend your childhood being obese then there is a very good chance you will spend your adulthood being obese. Our children could end up as adults facing problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and poor self esteem. These are problems we do not want our children to have to deal with.
Obesity: Let?s Prevent A Life Threatening Disorder
In life, various factors contribute to weight gain. Be it genetic, psychological or hereditary, Obesity grabs you as a severe weight disorder. It is an increasing problem in U.K where 50 percent of the adult population are overweight [BMI 25-29.5] and 20 percent are obese [BMI-30 and above].
Low Carb Diet - The Way To Weight Loss?
Everybody you know is on the latest weight loss bandwagon: The Low Carb Diet. They?ve seen the astounding results on the scale and have lost 10+ pounds in a short period of time. So you want to join in on this also?
5 Surefire Ways to Weight Management
You have finally decided to tackle weight management and lose that pesky weight but you still don't know where to start. Sometimes it is tougher to get started than to keep going! Before you do, there are a few things to think about first.
VPX ZERO Carb Fat Incinerating Protein - Go ZERO!
It's always great to find a protein supplement with very low carbohydrate amounts, but it's even better when there are none at all. VPX Zero Carb Protein is perfect, it's got no fat, no carbs, and tons of protein.
Hollywood Weight Loss Secrets ? Five Things to Avoid!
As an employee of famous fitness star Kathy Smith, personal trainer of many movie stars, and best selling author, it came to my attention of a few things that prevented Hollywood types from losing the weight they wanted. Here they are;
Weight Loss and Dieting Secrets ? What You DONT Want to Know!
Some of you will not like what I have to say, even though it is the truth. And that may be where the problem of American?s health problems lies. No one wants to give you the truth. My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility lies in giving you straight talk with no sugar coating it.
Weight Loss and Dieting Secret #1 ? IN and OUT
Any dietary plan on the market has some portion of it that works, but the basic principle of any good eating program, no matter how sugarcoated, centers around calories IN? calories OUT.
Low Carb Diets - Are They For You?
The revolution is here. Weight Loss as we know it has changed forever because of one diet.
Lose Weight and Exercise Now ? Or Face the Music Later!
My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility lies in giving you straight talk with no sugar coating it. Some of you will not like what I have to say, even though it is the truth. And that may be where the problem of American?s health problems lies. No one wants to give you the truth.
Pathological Eating Disorders and Poly-Behavioral Addiction
When considering that pathological eating disorders and their related diseases now afflict more people globally than malnutrition, some experts in the medical field are presently purporting that the world?s number one health problem is no longer heart disease or cancer, but obesity. According to the World Health Organization (June, 2005), ?obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults overweight - at least 300 million of them clinically obese - and is a major contributor to the global burden of chronic disease and disability. Often coexisting in developing countries with under-nutrition, obesity is a complex condition, with serious social and psychological dimensions, affecting virtually all ages and socioeconomic groups.? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (June, 2005), reports that ?during the past 20 years, obesity among adults has risen significantly in the United States. The latest data from the National Center for Health Statistics show that 30 percent of U.S. adults 20 years of age and older - over 60 million people - are obese. This increase is not limited to adults. The percentage of young people who are overweight has more than tripled since 1980. Among children and teens aged 6-19 years, 16 percent (over 9 million young people) are considered overweight.?
The Carbs Go In, the Cravings Come Out, thats What Weight Gain is All About
It can happen with one bite. The moment those refined carbohydrates enter my body, it sets off this chain reaction. Even the most innocent "healthy" carbs can cause an immediate and intense craving cycle. Think, pretzels, popcorn, crackers, etc. Those kinds of foods are easily eaten in quantity with a small pouch, and are all empty calories that I shouldn't bother with. You'd think just one snack couldn't harm the situation. You'd think one single-serve bag of pretzels wouldn't send you in a downward spiral for an entire day. They do trigger an intense reaction, sometimes without even being aware that I am picking and and grazing on worse carbs.
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Learn the Secrets the Weight Loss Industry Doesnt Want You To Know About Weight Loss Diets
All weight loss diets make you Fat
Understanding Weight Loss
A pound of fat represents approximately 3500 calories of stored
energy. In order to lose a pound of fat, you have to use 3500
more calories than you consume. Although this seems like a
simple formula remember that your body is a thinking organism
designed to protect itself.
Basic Approaches To Weight Management
Being over weight is usually being 20 percent or more over the normal weight for his or her age, sex, build, and height. According to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, a person's weight is healthy if it falls within the acceptable range for his or her height and age; if the pattern of fat distribution does not place the person at increased risk for certain diseases; and if the person has no medical problem for which a physician recommends that he or she lose weight.
How to Eat Out and Lose Weight
Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has been quick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have many options to "eat healthy" these days.
Overweight? - 5 Tips to Enhance Your Sex Drive
You could try one of the many sexual enhancement drugs available today. You could sign up for very expensive workshops and retreats. You could even strip down and pole dance for your partner.
Motivation and Dieting - Whats the Missing Link?
If you are like everyone else who has hit rock bottom with their weight struggles, and have declared that this day will be the first day of your diet, then this article is for you.
The Natural Truth About Quick Weight Loss
Actually, I was reading about fad diet and suddenly I received a message in my mail "Lose 20 Pounds in 10 Days!"
So I thought I should write some more on quick weight loss diet plans and how they're intended to fail miserably.
Weight Loss: The Strength in Setting Goals, Achieving Objectives, and The Power of Intention
The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners from the losers.
-Brian Tracy
The Importance and Confusion of Fat in Your Diet
Fats are always looked at as a negative in a diet...well in almost all diets anyway, as Atkins tends to think that they are OK. The reason that most people try to avoid fats is that they tend to be less of a priority for your body to metabolize; the body would rather metabolize the carbohydrates and then Fat or Protein. Another issue with fat is the number of calories per gram, a gram of fat has 9 calories as opposed to Protein and carbohydrates which have 4 calories per gram. So your body is going to more than likely store any extra fat taken in as, well, fat.
10 Easy to follow Tips to help YOU Lose Weight
Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin. Since we are not, here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too.
How To Get Over A Weight Loss Plateau
Everyone who has ever tried to lose weight has hit a plateau at some point. A plateau is that point at which no matter what you do, you cannot seem to lose any more. If you have currently hit a weight loss plateau, there are a number of things that you can do to get going again on your road to successfully reaching your ideal weight.
Belly Fat: Enough of That! One Probable Cause of Excess Abdominal Fat
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor; nor do I play one on TV. As a matter of fact, I don't even watch the actors, who play the doctors on TV. I am a researcher, extraordinaire. I research, "the research."
Government Against Diets
The Government of the Australian state of Victoria has started a campaign aimed at warning people of the dangers of fad diets. The campaign is believed to be the first of its kind in the world.
Weight Loss Support Groups: Lose Weight & Keep It Off With Your Friends At The Phentermine Forum
We all know it's hard to begin losing weight, no matter what method you're using. Even diet pills present a challenge through uncomfortable side effects that occasionally bother us. One of the biggest problems with making a project of losing weight is finding the energy and will power to keep going no matter what.
7 Weight Control Habits
Here are 7 simple habits that can help anyone enjoy a healthy diet and keep their weight under control without feeling hungry all the time.
Are Weight Loss Supplements Worth It?
What do you think of the hundreds of weight loss supplements out there on the shelves today? Are they worth the money? Will they actually help you lose weight? How do you know which ones are going to work for you? Is there any proof that these products work?
How 40,000 People Reversed Heart Disease
It is well known that about two-thirds of the U.S. population is either overweight or obese. The U.S. Surgeon General has stated that approximately 75% of Western diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, gout, arthritis, excess weight gain, hypertension, diabetes, some cancers, impotence, biventricular disease, constipation, heartburn, and gallbladder disease, are "lifestyle-related." They are directly correlated with our high fat diet, inadequate amounts of exercise, smoking, high intake of caffeine, and high amounts of stress coupled with insufficient support.
Natural Weight Losss: The Minor Changes That Can Have Huge Affects On Your Future Health
People always ask me " how it is that your grandfather a man over 65 can go to the gym 5 days a week , bike many miles every other day and still do many other physical sports without constant problems ?". Well I asked him. He told me it was a combination of a few things.
Tuna and Water Diet
Ready for a hardcore diet to get lean in a matter of days? This diet is used by professional bodybuilders to prepare before the competition. It requires an iron willpower but guarantees 100% results.
Mysteries of Syndrome X Revealed
"I've put on 40 pounds in one year!" "It doesn't matter how much
I workout, I can't lose weight." "My doctor must think I'm
eating pizzas in the closet."