Weight Loss Information
Hear What Your Diet Pills Say
Used a diet pill recently and got depressed because you didn?t lose weight? Don?t blame the diet pills but hear what they have to say to you and then restart a diet pill weight loss plan more effectively.
Weight Loss Through the Right Natural Food
At its most basic, dieting is about burning more calories than you take in. It?s simple mathematics. With the variety of novelty diets on the market today, this simple fact is often overlooked.
Weight Loss? 2 Skills You Need
If you have been dieting, there is a good chance you have lost weight. Unfortunately, large numbers of successful dieters quickly regain the poundage. If you wish to maintain the weight you have lost without developing substitute excesses such as overspending, overworking, excessive drinking or smoking, you must satisfy the emotional hunger that causes people to overeat. To do this you need to master two basic skills ? self-nurturing and setting effective limits. Self-nurturing is the ability to check our feelings and needs throughout the day in order to know and honor ourselves and better meet our needs. Setting effective limits is the skill of having reasonable expectations and following through with them. That enables us to take action and have more power and greater safety in our lives.
Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #13
Life is great, isn?t it? Stop and just look around you as you?re reading this and breathe in all that you have to be grateful for. You have a computer; you have the Internet; you have the ability to type; you can read; you have an attractive, intelligent, vibrant 50-year old woman who cares about you?that?s me! Remember to define yourself as Divine. The One who created you wouldn?t have it any other way. He expects you to let people know who you are and shout it out your car window if you have to. I prefer to wear a t-shirt that reveals who I am. I celebrated my 50th birthday on March 11 and got a t-shirt that says, ?I?m 50 and I?m a Hottie!!?
Study Finds Healthy Mouth - Healthy Body Relationship
According to a new study appearing in the American Journal of Periodontology, researchers have found a significant correlation between healthy eating and healthy gums. Specifically, those people who were not overweight, consumed a nutritious diet, and regularly exercised with moderate intensity were 40% less likely to suffer from gum disease.
How to Find Your Ideal Body Weight Part II
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Weight Loss - Long Term Success Starts In Your Mind
Making the Decision:
Calculate Your BMI - Do You Need to Lose Weight?
There are a few different ways to determine if you are overweight. Underwater weighing, computerized topography and measurement of skin folds with calipers can be the most accurate ways to measure fat. They can also be expensive and need to be done by professionals. Other options include the body mass index and waist measurement.
One Change Can Make All The Difference
Ever wondered why some people manage to keep their weight off easily and others just pile it all back on when they stop that new diet? The answer is easy, it comes down to one simple change.
How to Eat All You Want and Still Lose Weight
How would you like to eat all you want and still lose weight, or maintain your trim figure?
Sounds impossible?
Have you seen those skinny young women who eat like horses, with plate after plate of food at the buffet table without putting on any weight?
Ok, so some of them may be bulimic. You know, the sort who eat all they want, then go to the toilet to throw up everything they just ate. Not only is that disgusting, it is very unhealthy. That damages your body in the long run.
No, I'm talking about the girls who just cannot seem to gain weight. Probably due to a very high metabolic rate. They burn off all the calories they consume, effortlessly. Not every skinny girl is bulimic or aneroxic or even on a stringent diet. Some are just naturally thin. I know. In my early twenties, I was one of them.
When you are young, your metabolic rate is high. As you get older, your metabolism would naturally slow down. Also, back in my skinny days, I walked a lot. As a student, I was underweight. Yet I could out eat any guy at a buffet table. That was because I walked a lot. I was on my feet walking around the campus when not at class. I had to climb a hill several times a day as the hostel where I stayed was on the top of the hill. As a young adult, I walked a lot. I'd go shopping for hours after work. Walking at least 3 hours each day, browsing from shop to shop.
When I let a more sedentary lifestyle after marriage, I really gained weight. Staying home, watching tv instead of walking for hours in the malls let to serious weight gain. Even though I was eating far less than before.
The gist of this is that your weight depends on the amount of calories you burn as well as the calories you consume.
Consume more calories than you burn and you end up gaining weight. Burn more calories than you consume and you lose weight.
So if you seriously want to eat all you want and still lose weight, you have to make a serious effort to burn those calories you consume.
Just ate a big mac?
That is worth 485 calories.
Playing tennis for an hour burns 450 calories.
Scrubbing the floor for an hour burns 440 calories.
Try doing that to offset the calories you consumed from that big mac.
When I run on a treadmill, uphill with the slope set to the max at 15, and speed at around 6.5 for 35 minutes, I burn about 410 calories.
So if you want to lose weight and eat Big Macs, or other high calorie foods, you have to be prepared for some serious exercise.
Likewise, the snacks you might eat while watching TV, or in the office all contain serious calories. Take note of what you eat, how many calories they contain and burn those off through exercise.
Weight Loss Recipe: Avocado, Walnut & Crispy Bacon Salad
Losing weight doesn't have to be boring when you focus on bright, colourful meals. What does this mean? Simply by making sure your plate reflects a range of colours, you'll naturally create more balanced and healthful menus. Not everyone has the time or the patience to count calories, but assessing the colours on your plate is something anyone can do - and it only takes an instant!
Gastric Bypass ? The Nightmare for Food Lovers
While the gastric bypass may seem like the perfect solution to those who are obese, I?d like to explain just how the surgery affects the lifestyle of those who?ve had gastric bypass surgery.
Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery
Let?s face facts; obesity is ripe today in America and rising on a global scale in western civilisation ? where are we going wrong. Being a health and fitness nut I would simply recommend eating a balanced diet and exercise often, but you?ve heard all that before, and it doesn?t work for you, right? That?s ok, losing weight is tough, especially for those who some doctors would class as morbidly obese, which are those people who weight 50-100% their ideal body weight.
Atkins Diet Plan - Whats The Catch
The Atkins diet Plan breakfast can usually composed of eggs strips of bacon and coffee. A snack might include coffee with cream, and chunks of cheese. A huge steak fried in butter could be dinner. Doesn't this sound really good? It seems very tempting but there is a catch.
Mindfulness - The Key to Avoiding Overeating
I made myself a sandwich today and thought I?d be efficient and do some work over lunch. I was brainstorming some ideas for my next article. Deep in though, the ideas came easy to me. By the middle of page two, I looked down and noticed that I was on my last bite. It was weird, like when you fall asleep and wake up feeling like you just blinked and the alarm went off. I didn?t taste my sandwich at all. After cleaning up my plate, I thought, I could go for a little something sweet, maybe I?ll have a piece of fruit. My body just ate lunch, but my mind missed out on the whole experience. So there?s my article topic!
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Seven Pitfalls That Cripple Weight Loss
Do you struggle to maintain or lose weight? If so, you are certainly not alone. Obesity is on the rise and becoming an epidemic in our society. Why are so many people overweight? Can we blame our genetics? Are we are plagued by a slow metabolism? Certainly, we can't be the victims of our own self indulgence, can we?
Protein - Its Place In Your Weight Loss Program
Any food that we take into our bodies is composed of macronutrients, micronutrients and water. The macronutrients (macro = large) are protein, fat and carbohydrates; the micronutrients (micro = small) are vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Macronutrients provide the calories that provide energy for life; micronutrients have no calories but are an essential part of our diet. Without macronutrients we would starve to death, without micronutrients we would die from health deterioration.
Let?s Talk About Fad Diets
Although the big push for fad diets has died down a little bit, it is still estimated that at least two-thirds of Americans are on some type of diet at any given time. Although research shows the importance of eating from all the major food groups, people are still confused about what type of diet to follow, keeping the window open for more quacky solutions to pop up.
Savoring Moments Through Mindful Eating
We all eat. But how mindful are we of every bite we take?
Is Zone Diet a Fad?
Is Zone Diet a Fad?
Its All In The Numbers
Offer a woman the choice between a dress she likes a lot, that fits well but is size 12, and a dress she likes, which also fits well but is labeled size 8, and she'll take the lesser preferred every time.
Diet and Weightloss -- Start Your New Year Off Right!
Obesity - The Number 1 Health Issue in the US
Obesity is quickly becoming the number one health issue confronting America today, and it's not just America, other countries are affected also.
Obesity leads to a multitude of health problems including, but certianly not limited too:
Go for Scientific Weight Loss
Considering the US Center for Disease Control's advice is a very good idea. Fat, although systematically proven useful to the human body, is not only a waste of food. When you're fat, if very fat, you're obese, and you do indeed have a disease. It can sneak right up on you like a homicidal lunatic. In spite of how you feel about yourself emotionally, you should really do your utmost to keep your weight from assuming immense proportions-or you'll only be dooming yourself.
The Importance and Confusion of Fat in Your Diet
Fats are always looked at as a negative in a diet...well in almost all diets anyway, as Atkins tends to think that they are OK. The reason that most people try to avoid fats is that they tend to be less of a priority for your body to metabolize; the body would rather metabolize the carbohydrates and then Fat or Protein. Another issue with fat is the number of calories per gram, a gram of fat has 9 calories as opposed to Protein and carbohydrates which have 4 calories per gram. So your body is going to more than likely store any extra fat taken in as, well, fat.
Does Lipoxinol Really Work?
Lipoxinol Weight Loss Review: Does Lipoxinol Live Up To All Of The Hype?
The Low Carb Diet F.A.Q.
When most people think of low carb diets they automatically think Atkins. For obvious reasons. Dr. Robert Atkins formulated the original low carb diet in 1972 and was met a with a hail of ridicule and negativity from the medical community at large.
On A Diet? Ensure You Get Enough Nutritional Supplements For Your Good Health
There is never any absolute certainty about what the nutritional requirements are for the human body of a certain age, size and gender. Scientific research on the subject takes a long time, and results are often not that clear. But, at least scientific research into the subject of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional requirements is being undertaken seriously, and taken seriously by governments.
Low Carb Beer: Not So Skinny
Low carb beer and lite beer are two different animals. Both feature lower calories and both are ostensibly for weight loss. But a typical light beer contains almost 3 times as many carbs as a low carbohydrate beer. So far so good. If you'd like to enjoy an occasional beer while on a low carb diet, the low carb beers may be the way to go.
No Excuse on Getting in Shape
America is getting more obese every year. Even our children are becoming dangerously obese, even though we are more self conscious over our appearance. So what's the magic bullet to getting trim and fit. Well, I'll be honest, there isn't any. First, we are all limited by our heredity. If your father has a spare tire, you're probably going to be predisposed to have one yourself if your a man. If you're a woman, you are going to have fight off your mother's big hips. Today Americans have more money than they ever have before. No matter what people say about the economy, gradually over the years, Americans have become richer, and they eat to prove it. Even poor families eat more than middle class families of previous generations. Poor families often find it even harder to lose weight because junk food is cheaper, and they don't have enough money, or as much time to be active, other than working.
Why Most Diets Dont Work
Ever thought of, known someone, or gone on a diet? You probably have. The word diet seems like a common word for someone who is unsatisfied with their current physical condition. The problem is that most diets usually end up failing?in the long run. Going on a "diet" usually refers to eating alot less food, in the hope that it will make us lose those unwanted pounds of fat. Although there are different types of diets, 90% of them stress a strong reduction in calories one way or another.
Whats Wrong With Dr. Phils Food Plan?
I really like Dr. Phil, so I wanted to like his new book on weight loss. And I do like some of it, however, there's a big problem with the chapter on what to eat. Dr. Phil proposes exactly the same eating plan for everyone. This will NOT work!
The Diet Dilemma. Why Diets Dont Work
Let's face when it comes to overweight and obesity there are 2 basic facts we have to take into account.
Bye-Bye Bread
I don't know about you, but I absolutely love bread - not the soft, fluffy, rubber stuff sold as an edible napkin, but the scrunchy, chewy, whole grain staff of life bread. I can pass by decorated cakes without a twinge and eyeball ice cream as if were something alien and unappealing. But show me a slice of rich pumpernickel or marbled rye, and my knees buckle. There are breads that make sandwich filling unimportant: olive and herb rolls, panetone, extra sourdough, cheese rolls, raisin bagels, onion bread, poppyseed, sesame seed, and caraway.
Calculate Your BMI - Do You Need to Lose Weight?
There are a few different ways to determine if you are overweight. Underwater weighing, computerized topography and measurement of skin folds with calipers can be the most accurate ways to measure fat. They can also be expensive and need to be done by professionals. Other options include the body mass index and waist measurement.