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Weight Loss Information
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Walking for Weight Loss: Walking with a Purpose I wrote this article back in the late fall when I was struggling with weight loss motivation. Since January I have embarked on a serious weight loss journey and I have lost 37 1/2 pounds. "Walking with a purpose" was the first step in making exercise a regular routine in my life. 5 Tips to Use Your Head and Let Go of that Extra Weight Notice, if you would, that every diet out there only tends to address your body, but what about your mind? Think about this. If your head does not have the right image or direction, your diet will tend to fail. So how does one get their head on square? I have been helping people let go of their weight for over 12 years with my live Personal Weight Workshop ? and CD programs. I have 5 tips for letting go of your extra weight that are simple and easy adjustments that take no physical effort whatsoever. What would it feel like to 'reprogram' your mental computer and begin your journey to the New Ideal You ? while you are resting or sleeping? The changes that I have seen over the years by just changing our internal programs have been astounding. I've met many people who felt hopeless and had resigned themselves to an attitude of, "This is just how my life is going to be." Maybe you have met these people as well or maybe you are one of them. Haven't you found that the air around them feels heavy and/or gray? The energy seems to be hidden or non-existent. I have then witnessed these same people change to having a bright feeling and optimistic view of how their life can be with some minor alterations in their thinking. Have you ever been around someone who has that attitude? Have you noticed the energy that surrounds them? Wouldn't it be great to feel that way too? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have people feel that way just by being around you? Below you will find my 5 tips that can help you achieve this. Are you ready to come out of the shadows and open the curtains you have been hiding behind? Then let's get started? How You Can Chew to Lose Weight There Is A Right Way to Chew! Lose Weight and Burn Fat with One Simple Eating Principle Fifteen years ago the doctor's suggested that we eat pasta as a good healthy food. They also thought we would possibly lose some weight by doing so. Now we are eighteen percent fatter. Why? Fast Weight Loss for Special Occasions Losing weight quickly is not advisable as most of the loss will be muscle tissue and water; you put on the weight slowly (usually over years) so normally you should take it off slowly and then you will know that the majority of the loss will be body fat. No Low Carb Diet Progress? Sleep In To Get Thin! If your low carb diet is going nowhere, maybe its time to get more sleep. In a paper presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, researchers found that people, who got little sleep, got fat. Five Serious Dangers of Low Carbohydrate Diets Cancer The Ultimate Weight Loss Attitude We in the diet and exercise industry have our own opinions on what diets work and which ones are just sales gimmicks. This can be very discouraging to you the consumer. Unfortunately, a lot of people want to get on the band wagon of wellness and tap into millions of Americans desperate need to feel better, lose weight and get in better shape. Low Carb vs. High Low carb diets can be classified as food plans that require keeping carbohydrates as low as 3% and never more than about 25 to 30%. This is much lower than the 50 to 60% recommended by most good scientists and valid research. Low carb diets include programs like Atkins, Protein Power, The Zone, Sugar Busters and the South Beach diet. Buyer Beware: Purchasing Fat Burners and Other Supplements Online Each month I receive hundreds of e-mails from consumers who have been bilked out of their hard earned dollars by unscrupulous supplement / fat burner manufacturers. Manufacturers who have added them to monthly recurring billing cycles without their permission. Manufacturers who don't honor their money-back guarantees, and, while providing a 1-800 number for refunds, but don't hire a real, breathing person to monitor this number. These manufacturers treat their customers with disdain, and in general, regard them as little more than sheep who need to be parted from their money. Gastro-Physics And Dietary Anti-Matter Do a little people-watching, next time you're in the grocery line. There's always someone with a cart, bulging with every conceivable kind of diet food. Flats of turkey bacon prop listlessly against the fat free half & half and Olestra cookies. At first glance, this is clearly someone who is completely health conscious, diet minded, and watching what they eat. Low Carbohydrate Diet Revolution -- A History Most people think of the Atkins diet when they hear the phrase low-carb. Indeed, Dr. Robert C. Atkins is the author of a number of low carbohydrate ketogenic diet books. The first one was published in 1972, and his pioneering efforts revolutionized the dieting world we see today. For everything that you hear; however, Dr. Atkins did not create low-carb dieting. Weight Loss Motivation: I CAN DO IT! Several months ago I was in desperate need of weight loss motivation. As I was observing my friend's kindergarten classroom I was struck by an idea when I saw her in action. One of her students was filled with self-doubt and seemed to truly believe that he was unable to accomplish the task my friend was requesting of him. She kneeled by his side and patiently showed him once again what was expected of him. After hearing, "I can't do it!" several times, she quietly got up and walked across the room. When she returned she was holding a can that was covered in 'google eyes.' She placed it on his desk and asked, "Do you know what this is?" He shook his head and she whispered, "It's an 'EYE CAN' and every time you doubt yourself you can put it on your desk." He looked up at her with an extremely confused look on his face and she went on to explain, "When you see this can sitting on your desk it will remind you that you 'CAN' do it!" To make sure he understood, she asked him again what it was. He looked up at her and replied, "It is an 'I CAN'!" He bent down and began working with a new found confidence and the 'I CAN' stayed on his desk for the remainder of the day. Body Composition And Weight Loss: They Are Related! The world today has more obese and overweight people than any other time in history. The reasons are simple too much bad foods and not enough exercise and weight training. However, with so much focus being placed on health and wellness, people are changing their lifestyle, thus obtaining quality health. The one aspect of losing weight that most people agree they need to understand better is body composition, and how it relates to weight loss. Overweight - Answering Your Critics There are those that walk amongst us who have followed all the advice, diligently dieted and exercised with genuine effort for long periods of time, yet still fail to lose their excess weight. Exercise and Weight Loss for Life - The Magic Formula Doctors DONT Want You to Know! In twenty years of consistant exercising, maintaining a low percentage of body fat and working with thousands of successful stories in weight loss, here are three of the best attitudes to use for a weight loss and exercise program for the rest of your life. The Best Weight Loss Exercise Is * Not walking on a treadmill everyday for 45 minutes * Its not swimming a lot of laps * And its' definitely not running 5 miles everyday Weight Loss Efficiency ? 10 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Gym Workout! My name is Greg Ryan. I am a high profile fitness expert, champion bodybuilder and best selling author. However, I didn't start out as one. I had to learn through class rooms and experience. There are no better teachers than exercising on the floors of all those health clubs I visited for so many years. How to Lose Weight While Gardening Have you ever dreaded the idea of pulling weeds, planting a tree, or pushing a lawn mower around the yard? Help me, Im Addicted to Sugar A client wrote, "Help me! I thought I was finally getting a handle on my weight issue but the sugar is killing me. I had an awful day. I won't even tell you what I ate today because it is just so unbelievable. All I will say is that 90% of my food today consisted of sugar! I really, really need some help getting past these cravings. I am no doubt a sugar addict. If I could get past this there is no doubt that I will reach my goal." ![]() |
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