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The Secrets Behind Successful Diet Tips Explained Digestion is a chemical process. Our body combines different types of foods in our stomach using chemical reactions. The goal of proper digestion is to extract from the foods we eat only the nutrients that our body needs, and 'escort' away all the rest. How to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way with Hypnosis More and more people are turning to hypnosis or hypnotherapy for help with weight loss. Most people who seek the help of a hypnotherapist will have already tried numerous diets or slimming programs with little in the way of lasting results. The Secret of Weight Loss In the medical community, "obesity" is generally said to be present in women with more than 30% body fat and men with more than 25% body fat. "Morbid obesity," a more serious condition still, occurs when a person is 50-100% or 100 pounds above his or her ideal body weight or has more than 39% body fat. Medical problems commonly associated with morbid obesity include diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers (including breast and colon cancer), depression, and osteoarthritis. Does Fat Free Really Mean Free Of Fat? Do you know what the words really mean on food labels? Find the Right New Year?s Resolution to Get into Your Best Shape Ever! Yep, it is that time of year again! Time to moan and groan about the weight we gained over the holidays as we resolve to lose it all in the New Year! If memories of failed New Year's resolutions are haunting you, it is time you found the right resolution for 2005. Simple Plans for Social Eating and Travel It's one thing to stick with your diet regimen when you're at home, in control of the contents of your refrigerator and your portion sizes. But what about going out to dinner with friends? Worse, how do you stay on track when your dream vacation has you seated by the dessert cart at every meal? The Importance and Confusion of Fat in Your Diet Fats are always looked at as a negative in a diet...well in almost all diets anyway, as Atkins tends to think that they are OK. The reason that most people try to avoid fats is that they tend to be less of a priority for your body to metabolize; the body would rather metabolize the carbohydrates and then Fat or Protein. Another issue with fat is the number of calories per gram, a gram of fat has 9 calories as opposed to Protein and carbohydrates which have 4 calories per gram. So your body is going to more than likely store any extra fat taken in as, well, fat. 20 Ways to Lose Weight 20 WAYS TO LOSE WEIGHT The Simplest Diet Plan Ever - 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Living You've heard the popular advice on weight loss diets. Cut the fat! Cut the carbs! Cut the calories! Eat a balanced diet! But how can you cut though all of the confusion, and eat a diet that's balanced and healthy? Bodybuilding Weightloss Trouble-Shooter "Help, none of this mainstream stuff works!" Fun, Fun, Fun: The Best Exercises for Quick Weight Loss The best exercises for quick weight loss in my opinion are activities that you enjoy because you will be more apt to continue doing them over a long period of time. Hispanics and Obesity - The Worrying Truth What is the link between Hispanics and obesity? Are people of Hispanic origin more prone to obesity than others? Anger: The Unexpected Emotion After Gastric Bypass Surgery The words I read made me furious. There it was, in black and white, the story of a fussy baby who was spoon fed ice cream to keep her quiet. I was reading a baby book and that baby was me! I was indignant ? how dare my parents comfort me ? at six months old ? with ice cream? No wonder I grew up to be a fat adult addicted to high fat sugary sweets. I was a fat baby and I became a fat child, a fat teen and a fat adult. All because at six months the solution for my tears was ice cream. How Not To Lose Weight Who really wants to lose weight? None of us, right? How much fun is it to be on a diet, deprived of all you really want and need when there is a McDonald's, Krispy Kreme or Baskin and Robbins right around the corner calling out your name? Learn to love what you've got, get more (and bigger portions) out of life and let all the skinny people fend for themselves! Following is our guide to not losing weight: After WLS: Goodbye Self-Loathing! Hello Self-Loving! You won't believe what happened to me today! Lose Weight & Achieve A Healthy Metabolism By Balancing And Adjusting Your Meals How many meals do you eat in one day? Weight Loss: Weight Loss is All in Your Mind! "The kind of thoughts that you plant in your mind, determine what you produce in life." Letting negative thoughts rule your mind can never make you achieve your goal. The magic key is to identify these negative thoughts which are keeping you away from your goal, keep throwing them out of your head as soon as they try to overpower you, brainstorm new positive thoughts (your inspirations and motivations), write them down and keep reading them until they don't become a part of you. Ephedra Is Back - But Is It Safe? It's been called the world's oldest medicine, the miracle fat burner, and is known in some parts of the U.S. as "Mormon tea." Ephedra (also called Ma-huang or epitonin) has been used for its healing powers for more than 5000 years by the Chinese, who discovered the plant's healing properties. So why was it banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2004, and more importantly, why was the ban recently lifted? Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution in Your KitchenŠ2003 Marilyn Diamond Fifteen Secrets of Safe and Permanent Weight Loss Revealed Fifteen Secrets of Safe and Easy Permanent Weight Loss Revealed! ![]() |
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