Marketing Information
Exploring Beyond Keywords Into Behavioral Research
If you have ever studied search engine optimization, then youll know that most educators place tremendous importance on performing good keyword research. After all, its true that we need to optimize our pages for the best phrases, or we will never realize our true traffic potential. Its all about trying to attract the ideal audience of searchers to our Web site, right Is that not what most of people do They build a Web site offering their business services, then they say to themselves "How do I get traffic to my site" For many Web site owners, their source of traffic is an after-thought.
Discover Which Sales Triggers Are Most Effective When Mixed With SEO!
We all know the importance of gaining top visibility to a specific target audience on the major search engines. After all, you really need qualified traffic or those who are actually searching for goods and services that you are offering. While most of the time, we teach folks about the importance of doing good keyword research and/or behavioral research to ensure they are attracting an "ideal" target audience, there is another more natural aspect that Id like to just touch on here.
How To Choose Keywords Before they Skyrocket in Popularity
Long before the days of researching phrases with the helpful online resources of today, the art of keyword/phrase selection was often left just to guesswork. However, guesswork by todays highly competitive standards is just not good enough. So how is it possible to select a powerful traffic-pulling phrase in this fashion without researching it in real time Better yet, is it possible to choose such a phrase and get positioned before it becomes popular
How to use Emotional Content to Increase Visitor Response
Did you know that many folks make "buying decisions" when they are moved emotionally Other traditional medias have made the most of these principles and taken advantage of them for many years, whether it be a TV commercial or an ad in a magazine. People are emotional beings and people make decisions either good or bad when they are emotional. If something causes a customer to become upset, they become angry and try and solve it. If they become upset enough...theyll make a decision to perhaps discontinue your service and hire another service. On a positive side, the TV media bombards us with commercials that try to make an advertisers product seem fun or cute. The "emotional content" tactic is in nearly every advertising and communication media from print to radio to TV and yes, even the web. Emotional content is used to sell everything from fast food to childrens toys.
11 Creative Ways You Can Use Autoresponders
1. Pick 4 or more articles youve written that have a common theme and put them in an autoresponder series. Announce it on your site as an e-mail course on the go.
8 Quick, Hot Reasons You Should Offer an E-mail Course Today
1. E-mail courses are generally quick and easy to create. Contents for your e-mail courses are everywhere -- old articles, interviews, information from doing research. You only need to know how to organize them and make the content easy to understand and follow.
Psychological Tricks in Selling
In this article, Im revealing six powerful secret psychological tricks that you can use to increase the effectiveness of your advertising and marketing. What if you dont sell anything Should you ignore this information
How to Be Appropriately Pushy
One of the things thats often hard to know is how and when to be pushy appropriately. In these hardscrabble times, perfectly polite people dont stand much of a chance of getting what they want. However, not enough can be said for making yourself known in a decent and unobnoxious manner. The key is to use your intuition and your brain, both at the same time, and pray for a little luck.
Mobile Marketing a New Age Strategy
More and more companies seem to be looking for new and innovative ways to market their products. Overlooking most of the traditional marketing techniques, more companies are pioneering the relatively new mobile marketing campaign. Mobile event trailers and vehicle graphic wraps are bringing the products directly to the consumers. With an array of games, giveaways, contests and twenty-five foot product shots surrounding and engaging the consumer, it’s hard to see why this form of marketing is not more widely used.
How to Effectively Design Your Business Image
In many industries, image is one of the last things business owner looks at. If business is not booming, they assume there is something wrong with the sales method, as opposed to the image. "If we just sent out a few thousand more fliers" they say, "we will get some more clients". When in reality, they should be looking at how the message theyre sending to their target market is perceived in the first place. Here are a few pointers to look at:
Targeted Traffic is More Important than Ever!
In the early days of web development, business owners had learned the very expensive lesson that a Web site with no visitors is of little value. Once the business owner learned that methods could be utilized to increase their visibility through search engine optimization, it then became apparent that the traffic that really benefited them, was "targeted traffic." It only made sense that if you were selling a solution, the person who will buy the solution are the ones experiencing a problem or challenge. It also became obvious that the best products and services to sell online were niche or specialized markets. Large volumes of "general visitors" general volume traffic may have looked nice on a statistics report but only the truly "targeted visitors" target traffic were usually the visitors making purchases or doing business at the Web site.
The Wonders of Wordtracker:. . . Its More than a Hunt for Keywords - John
For me personally, Wordtracker.com is not just a tool for looking up keywords. Sure, thats one good use for it, but what I want to distinguish is another influential and exciting use for Wordtracker as an SEO resource.
Copywriting Makeover: Making An Emotional Connection - Part 1 of 2
One statistic shows that over 80% of all buying decisions are emotional. That means your copywriting should be, too. This is something I firmly believe in and have preached for most of my copywriting career. However, all too often, I find people skipping the vital step of making an emotional connection with their customers. That can be a tragic, and costly, mistake.
Copywriting Makeover: Making An Emotional Connection - Part 2 of 2
In part one of this article series we began looking at the Cruise Vacation Center site: a travel site whose copy was sorely lacking in emotional appeal and visual imagry. You can see the previous version of the copy here: http://www.copywritingcourse.com/CruiseVacationCenter-Original.pdf. In the conclusion, youll see how all the rewrite turned out and how exciting the end results have been.
Seven Easy Steps to Boost Your Professional Image With Adobe
Often-overlooked commands can boost sales and project a more professional image. Adobe Acrobat Distiller is one of today’s most effective tools. Using Acrobat, you can distribute attractive and easy-to-read formatted documents for free.
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