Marketing Information

Marketing as a Spiritual Practice

“Marketing as a spiritual practice.” It sounds contradictory – how can sales and promotion possibly be considered spiritual But the secret is, once you truly understand that marketing isn’t all about struggle, jargon, tricks or gimmicks, spiritual practice is the very root of success.

"Marketing as a Spiritual Practice II: Unearthing Your Potential"

Marketing as we know it is over. Done. Finito.

How to Get PR

There is a process for successfully getting publicity about your business or organization. Publicity is no great mystery, just a thorough and strategic sales job. You are selling content to a publication or website who needs it to entice their readers. No publicist can guarantee a publication will print stories about your company because the publisher or editor ultimately controls the content of a publication. However, here is the method we recommend:

Your USP is Useless.

One of the keys to writing good marketing copy is to differentiate your product or service from the competition with an effective selling point. And it is on precisely this element that many otherwise competent writers flounder and flop – and so does their copy.

How To Get Web Site Traffic

Web site traffic is essential to having a thriving online business. You cannot have enough web site traffic visitors unless it is the wrong traffic or you do not want to continue to build your business. Your chances of selling a product or service is proportional to the level of targeted and qualified web site traffic to your site. It is not an easy task getting the right kind of web site traffic to your site. You do not get this web site traffic without expending your time, energy and sometimes hard-earned money.

Networking - Relax!

Networking – relax! – Gill Fernley and Justin Baker, Six Degrees Network

Networking Top Tips

1. Join several networking groups and attend as many of their events as possible. Regular attendance builds up good relationships very quickly.

Why Authors Should Blog

While watching the presidential conventions I was struck by the fact that blogs had totally revolutionized the publishing industry. Sitting right alongside the major news agencies were the bloggers frantically typing on their laptops. Even seasoned veterans who had covered past conventions mentioned the power of this new media.

“Super Adjectives” Boost the Power of Your Copy

Pretty or elegant Good or scrumptious Nice or delightful There is power in the adjectives you choose. Just like Clark Kent and Superman or Bruce Wayne and Batman, some adjectives are plain, ordinary, everyday words. Others are alter-ego Super Adjectives that leap into your customers’ minds in a single bound. Adjectives are boring, but Super Adjectives impress, inspire, and convince your customers more effectively.

Stretch Your Marketing Reach

One of the most cost effective marketing strategies you can utilize is an online newsletter, also referred to as an E-Zine.

Make Your Customer Your Friend

The simplest way to describe a ‘durian’ pronounced doo-ree-ann is to say it’s a yellowish-green fruit about the size of an mid-sized watermelon. It has a thick skin of spikes, and a rich bitterish-sweet fruit.

The Seven Traits Needed To Become A Leader In Network Marketing

Do you ever wonder what character traits are needed to become a successful leader in network marketing. Network marketing is a very hard business to do it is not a get rich vehicle. This industry needs a certain type of person to be successful.

Dont Forget your Existing Clients

Quest for new clients shouldn’t ignore those who pay the bills

The Lazy Mans Way To Riches

The title of this article also happens to be the title of one of the greatest ads of all time, written by a man named Joe Karbo.

Hire An Internet Marketing Expert For Online Success

It never ceases to amaze me how many otherwise intelligent people set-up a website, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it, how to write a sales letter, how to write an ad--nothing! Fact is, nowadays, anyone can have a website. But once you get one, then what How are you going to make money with it

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