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More Articles from Marketing Information: | RELATED ARTICLES WHERE TO FOCUS YOUR MARKETING Imagine that you ran an ad, mailed a brochure, or sent an email ad to a new list of people who fit your target market profile and everyone who saw it responded right away and made a purchase. The Ultimate PR Edge: Getting Reporters To Open Your E-Mails You know that getting publicity is vital to the health of your business.You probably also know that e-mail is the way most publicity seekers get in touch with reporters to score that precious coverage.Here’s what you don’t know:The vast majority of e-mails sent to journalists never get read. Online Marketing Donts There are over 200 million people worldwide connected to the Internet, with over 64 million regular users in America.It’s no wonder that such a vast audience has made online marketing one of the fastest growing industries in the world.However, half the trick of conducing successful ecommerce is finding a way to get people to your site in the first place—hence online advertising. Writing a Book’s Marketing Plan for Maximum Profit Much has been written about book proposals. But less has been written about book marketing plans. This is wrong! 4 Easy Ways to Boost Your Sales Here are 4 easy ways you can boost your sales for little orno new expense ...and without making major changes in yourselling process. Build Credibility, Value and Trust on a Shoestring Setting priorities in your business Your first job is to sell. Selling is - writing the orders; receiving the cash; feeding the beast. If you dont sell; the beast, your business, dies. The impact of selling is immediate. You may love it, but it is a beast. You need to feed it and control it. How To Increase Your Website Traffic With Zero Cost How to increase your website traffic with zero cost. Its a bold statement dont you think. But, believe me its true. You can increase your traffic by 1000% with no cost involved if you do it the right way. Continue reading if you want to know how. How to Get the Right Clients and Avoid the Wrong Ones If you are like most service professionals and small business owners one of your primary concerns is generating as many leads as possible. And that may be your biggest mistake, resulting in wasting time on unqualified prospects and working with to many clients you wish you didnt have to. How "Available" are YOU The internet can be pretty scary at times. Do you realise how easy it is to access your personal information Your phone number, name, address Even get driving instructions on how to get to your location if youre in the USA Marketing is a Patience Game “Get your positioning and your programs implemented properly, and the numbers will come.But you’ve got to have some patience.”– Jack Trout with Steve Rivkin“The New Positioning.The Latest on the World’s #1 Business Strategy” Planting Bare Root Roses The following article was written by David G. Hallstrom for and originally published by National Realtors Success on the Web: Detailed Case Study with ROI Figures Top of the Hill Using Demographic Data For Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign Targeting high potential markets with a direct mail marketing campaign can be a very affordable and efficient way to get new customers for most companies and entrepreneurs but how can you find a way to reach those high potential markets Using demographic data could be your solution. Is CRM Technology Living Up To the Hype Over the last few years the buzz about CRM Customer Relationship Management has grown extensively. It seems that every Sales & Marketing executive is talking about it. A study conducted by Jupiter Media Metrix found that U.S. businesses spent more than $5.2 billion in CRM technology software in 2001, a number that is expected to rise to $8.7 billion by 2006. CRM spending has been growing considerably, especially in financial services, retail, and telecommunications. Targeted Traffic is More Important than Ever! In the early days of web development, business owners had learned the very expensive lesson that a Web site with no visitors is of little value. Once the business owner learned that methods could be utilized to increase their visibility through search engine optimization, it then became apparent that the traffic that really benefited them, was "targeted traffic." It only made sense that if you were selling a solution, the person who will buy the solution are the ones experiencing a problem or challenge. It also became obvious that the best products and services to sell online were niche or specialized markets. Large volumes of "general visitors" general volume traffic may have looked nice on a statistics report but only the truly "targeted visitors" target traffic were usually the visitors making purchases or doing business at the Web site. Aint We Wonderful! It may come as a surprise to you to discover that customers don’t buy your products or services because they feel that you have a right to make a profit. In other words, their motive for doing business with you is not to help you buy the latest Jaguar or put your children through college. You think this is a joke Recent research shows that something like 60% of businesspeople place more importance on what they will get from a transaction than on what their customers will benefit. How to Get PR There is a process for successfully getting publicity about your business or organization. Publicity is no great mystery, just a thorough and strategic sales job. You are selling content to a publication or website who needs it to entice their readers. No publicist can guarantee a publication will print stories about your company because the publisher or editor ultimately controls the content of a publication. However, here is the method we recommend: What Can Apples iPod Teach Us About Marketing Apple Computer just announced that their earnings from the last quarter more than quadrupled mainly due to robust holiday sales of the iPod digital music player. More than 10 million iPods have been sold since it was introduced in 2001. How to Earn More by Visualizing Your Marketing Success Did you ever imagine yourself lying on a beach enjoying the sun or spending the holidays relaxing with relatives We all daydream and picture ourselves in places wed like to go to, or doing things we enjoy or have always wanted to try. Tips from Chicago Search Engine Strategies - Part 1 The first meeting I went to for the day was Organic Listing Forum at Search Engine Strategies. Bruce Clay, President of Bruce Clay, LLC and Mike Grehan, CEO of Smart Interactive and Author of Search Engine Marketing: The Essential Best Practice Guide were the speakers. Detlev Johnson, President of Technology, SuccessWorks Search Marketing Solutions, moderated the Forum. |
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