Business Management Information

What to Do When Trust is Low

Trust is essential. You can?t run a business without it. Customers leave. Risk taking evaporates. You find yourself surrounded by naysayers ? or worse ? yes men and women. No one dares tell the truth. Departments put up barricades creating fortresses inside your castle.

10 Ways To Work Through A Business Slowdown

In running any kind of business, it's inevitable that sometimes business will slow down. This might occur due to an upcoming holiday, seasonal variations, or uncontrollable circumstances. As a small-business owner, you have a choice in terms of how you view the slowdown - it can either be a time of increased stress, frustration, worry - or you can view it as an opportunity to upgrade your business processes or improve the quality of your life.

Unlock the Hidden Creativity of Your Employees

To release creativity in employees, managers must get involved in their employees? work. Look at each employee as if he or she is the expert on the job and tap into their creative energy.

5 Tips For Creating Great Jobs

1) Create A Powerful "Mission Statement"-

The Red Phone - Management Consulting in 30 Seconds or Less

Modern business faces complex problems; management often calls upon highly-specialized consultants to help them address these difficult problems. If you're ever called to help identify these most pressing issues, one of the easiest and quickest ways to start is to talk about the "Red Phone".

Objects in the Mirror are Further Than They Appear

Definition From -- "Virtual: - being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted."

Four Corners of a Triangle: Why Organizations Succeed or Fail

When we want to hire people for a corporation or non profit organization, we follow certain rules and look for appropriate qualifications and expertise so that we succeed in our aims: the investors get their money?s worth in form of financial success and enhanced prestige of the principals involved.

Ringing Doorbells Without Howitzers

Many operations leaders have been there, done that with re-engineering. And they report, in effect, that the process is like ringing a doorbell with a howitzer shell.

How to Fire an Employee

One of the most difficult tasks you will face as a business owner will be firing employees. Employees who consistently break the rules, do not perform the functions of their job, or cause difficulties for your business can be a strain on the work environment, your cash flow, and even disrupt your business from thriving and performing as expected. This tutorial will give you steps and hints about firing employees or associates.

Indiscretion Can Kill Your Business

The quickest way to cancel out all the thought, work, energy, time and expense you've poured into promoting your business is with indiscretions. I'm not talking about giving your clients' confidential materials to their competitors, though that certainly will kill your business ­ I'm talking about the indiscretions that leak out of your mouth, such as:

Write Winning Proposals For Venture Capitalists

You need to secure money for your project. You visit venture capitalists to see if you can get that money. A venture capitalist views your project as a pure investment. A venture capitalist has no emotional attachment unlike you. You need to write a proposal that is structured around a venture capitalists needs, not yours. What may interest you may have no relevance to your potential funder. You need a business plan that is ?investor-focused?.

Einstein - Definition of Insanity

Insanity in the Sign & Graphics Industry

Business is About Making Money

Ask most people why they are in business and they will give you any number of reasons. Things such as wanting to improve the lives of others; make the world a better place; provide for their family; have more free time; the list goes on and on.

Are You Using the Right Form of Energy?

As we near the end of summer, here is a question I have for you, ?Are you using the right form of energy to grow your business?? Are you having trouble growing your small business as fast as you want? Are you making all the right moves and still the business just inches forward? Read this article and see if you are using the right form of energy to grow your small business?

Five Steps to Better Employee Management

Hiring employees is a huge responsibility. Before hiring anyone, be sure to carefully analyze your needs in terms of extra assistance.

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