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Follow Up: It Makes A Difference A while back the headlight switch on our minivan quit working, so early one Saturday morning we took it to the neighborhood repair shop that has been mailing postcards to us the past three years. They said it would take 90 minutes to check things out. Hire The Person, Not The Resume "? [get] the right people on the bus, the right people in the right seats (and the wrong people off the bus) and then [figure] out where to drive it." - Jim Collins ? Good To Great Effective Meetings: Why Most Meetings are a Waste of Time Whether your company holds one meeting a week or dozens of meetings a day it is essential that this time is used efficiently and effectively. Most meetings are less effective than they could be not because they are poorly managed, but because meeting managers spend all of their time focusing on the one or two hours when people will be gathered around the conference table or video screen. Smart meeting managers know that it is the actions you take during the three days immediately before the meeting which are much more important than the meeting itself. The Challenges of Human Resource Management Introduction Group Meeting Disrupters MEETING DISRUPTERS: If two participants are carrying on a personal discussion that interferes with a meeting, direct a clear and simple question to one of them. In order to avoid embarrassing them, address them by name before asking the question. An alternative is to restate a previously expressed suggestion and then ask them for an opinion. Sexual Harassment Policy Guidelines Part II SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION PROCEDURE Project Management - I Want It ALL The knee-jerk response to prioritizing requirements is to mark everything as a must-have . "I need everything before the product becomes generally available. I want it ALL!" Give me a break. Indecent Proposal in the Workplace ? An Overview of Workplace Harassment & Employer Liability An allegation of harassment in the workplace is a growing phenomenon facing companies across the U.S. The following is an article derived from a 2003 seminar I attended at the National Business Aviation Association {NBAA} Convention in Orlando, FL. The full name of the seminar was ? Indecent Proposal in the Workplace ? An Overview of Workplace Harassment & Employer Liability. The seminar was presented by Patricia Griffith and Ellen Ham of the Law Firm of Ford and Harrison in Atlanta. Take This Into Consideration Before You Write Your Mission Statement What principles should a company keep in mind when developing a mission statement? Appropriate criteria must be chosen for defining the business. There are several alternatives for defining one's services: by the products one produces, by unique resources that the company possesses, by a particular strength that the company has, by unique financial measures, or by needs that are met. Anyone who has to draft a mission statement should pretend that he or she is an advertising copywriter. "Tell the world in 25 words or less who you are and what you want to become." The statement should be concise and to the point. Getting Software Developed for Your Business At some point, your business is going to need to have some software development. Maybe your business is small, but existing software doesn't fit your needs. Maybe your company is larger, with significant technology resources already, but you need an outside perspective. Whatever the reason, it can be difficult to choose an software developer, especially if you aren't a technical person. Building the Trust in Your Employees - 12 Easy Tips In Stephen Covey's great book, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", he talks about the 'emotional bank account', where you have to build a credit in your relationship with the individuals who you work with (and everyone else as well!). Money, Motivation, Success and Who? It was 7:30 on a Saturday morning, and I was setting up to do the opening keynote for the conference. For some reason--I have no idea why--the sound man thought his ten year old daughter would enjoy my presentation. He'd brought her with him to work. Communicating CEOs I see a PR firm has done a survey on the amount of time Canadian CEOs spend on communication, and found they spend almost half of their time on communication. Creativity Management and Time Pressure There is a pervasive belief that time pressure stimulates creativity. This is both true and false. How You Can Learn to be a Better Manager When you first take over a department, expectations are usually high but operations are sometimes in disarray. The staff is disorganized, goals aren't being met, and hours are spent on unproductive tasks. Just when you think the company would never get on track, the CFO recommends that you learn more about something called operations assessment. Difficult Staff - It Pays To Get To Know Them Better It's very easy for a business owner or manager to fall into the trap of condemning one of their team as a no-hoper or a problem child. How To Write Commercial Collections Letters It is sometimes valuable to bring the sales manager into this step of the collection process. Information concerning the delinquency can often be obtained from the sales department. Tips for Commercial Collection Letters: When writing commercial collection letters, these points should be considered: Top Ten Tips About Communicating with Your Employees Effectively Communication is the basis of who you are as a manager/leader in business. The rules are simple and the good news is that you can learn them and develop your skills...and it's quite easy! Here's the low-down on great Communication:- In Leadership, The Critical Convergence Drives Great Results The Leader's Fallacy lives! We subscribe to the Fallacy when we believe our enthusiasm over a particular leadership challenge is automatically reciprocated by the people we lead. Competion or Cooperation? It has been said, there is no better way to hone your skills and improve your performance, than competition. Competing with others, or even with your self, fosters continued improvement, striving for even higher goals, and an ongoing sense of achievement. Competition in the world of business is natural and expected. Every business has competitors that are vying for the dollars in the marketplace. And over the years, some of these competitors have been classic. Coke versus Pepsi comes to mind, as does Avis versus Hertz in the rental car industry. Years ago Miller Lite had commercials where two factions of their fans competed over the reason to buy their product. As a crowd gathered half the group would shout out "Less Filling!!" while the other half would retort "Tastes Great!!!" They were humorous commercials with Miller Lite being the only real competitor. These classic competitions served to strengthen the product itself and made the competitors stronger. In effect, both Pepsi and Coke won, as did Avis and Hertz. |
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