Business Management Information

Score the Rainbows Pot of Gold: Become the Boss That No One Wants to Leave

Leadership is lifting a person?s vision to higher sights, the raising of a person?s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. Peter Drucker

Three Ways to Transmit Loud and Clear

The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. --Benjamin Franklin

Feedback - Make it Descriptive

Have you ever heard yourself say to a team member - "You're really great" - "You're a star" - I think you're brilliant" - "You're doing a great job!"

Survival of the Fittest: The Road to Human Extinction

I was watching a TV program some months ago about a biologist working in Central America who was dedicated to protecting the panther species from extinction. During the program I heard him make a comment that upon reflection I found had embedded in it seeds of wisdom that not even he was aware of.

Let the Professionals Help You Out - Outsource

As your website grows in terms of attracting more footfalls, generating more business, and providing more content; it will demand more time and attention from you to continue performing. As a businessperson, it is advisable that you concentrate on your core competency, which is the reason why you created the website in the first place.

The Myth of the Management Team

Every business has problems. That is why the average life span of a large industrial company is 40 years. Some are learning disabilities where companies are not prepared to learn from their mistakes. They insist on doing the same thing every time. Even when problems occur no one examines the cause of the problem. The problem is an embarrassment that should be swept under the rug and forgotten rather than be used as an opportunity to learn. Handling these dilemmas and disabilities is the Management Team. Below is a quote from Peter Senge?s book ?The Fifth Discipline ? the Art & Practice of the Learning Organization.? Does this sound like your company? If it does start worrying!

Dialogue vs. Discussion

Have you ever sat in a meeting where everyone is busy giving their point of view and trying to prove why they are right? Where no one is actually listening or trying to understand other individuals? points of view. The alternative meeting format is where everyone listens to and agrees with the meeting leader. No one contributes or adds ideas, they are just compliant.

Eliminate Performance Anxiety Forever

You?ve had many years of training in your craft as a performer, singer, actor etc. but if you still feel haunted by the ravages of Performance Anxiety your career may be in serious jeopardy.

5 Ways of Increasing Business Profits

The economy may finally be turning around and showing signs of a rebound. Interest rates have begun to rise and the stock market is recovering from the lows it experienced in the last couple of years. Is your business ready to take advantage of these improving times? Can you translate these improvements into increased profits? You can. Read on?

The Leadership Alignment Model

Some time ago we had the privilege of working with a major UK government department to help them redefine leadership and to reappraise how they develop and encourage leaders. Faced with considerable challenges by the environment in which they operate and by their political masters, this department has decided that leadership is one of the keys to the achievement of the vision laid down by its chief.

Organizational Culture and Creative Blocks ? the Similarities

Few Decision makers see the link between between creativity and innovation management, as performed by MBA?s in firms, and creative endeavours such as screenwriting. In fact, there are very strong linkages.

Two Critical Success Factors in an ITIL Implementation

Any IT manager who wants to pursue the IT Service Management journey by implementing the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) needs to understand two very important factors well in advance.

Creativity and Innovation - Large Firms Versus Small Firms

There is a pervasive assumption that small firms are more creative and innovative than larger firms. That is, they identify problems and generate ideas (creativity) and idea select, develop and commercialise (innovate) those ideas to a greater degree than larger firms. However, there is a large degree of untruth to this assumption:

Communicating When A Crisis Strikes

How would you handle communication if your business or practice got into a crisis situation?

Do Customers Like the Feel of Your Organization?

In two recent articles "Some Evidence of How We Are Spiritually Connected" and "Healing Dysfunctional Families" I reported on how individuals who live or work within a system or group are inherently connected at a level that goes beyond words. This realm of connection, which is largely spiritual or unconscious, may or may not be familiar to the more business minded person so I will take some time to explain the nature of this connection and then the wide reaching implications this idea has on the optimal functioning of organizations.

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