Business Management Information

Year 2010: Permanent Employees No Longer Required

Jack Welch joined a conference that was held in Duke Fuquay Business School where he was invited to promote his new book called ?Winning?. He told audience about how culture is important in a company. Culture builds integration and integration guarantees better products and services for customers. In GE?s 1994 annual report his statements were no different. ?Boundaryless behavior?? he said ??has become the right behavior at GE, and aligned with this behavior is a rewards system that recognizes the adapter or implementer of an idea as much as its originator. Creating this open, sharing climate magnifies the enormous and unique advantage of a multibusiness GE, as our wide diversity of service and industrial businesses exchange an endless stream of new ideas and best practices.?

Comparing Ancient Programs from the East to Modern Programs like Stephen Covey.

Comparing Corporate and Personal goal attainment programs that have developed over thousands of years with those of modern day legends such as Covey - ?The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?

Is Your Business Ethical?

Ethics - in a profession or trade - is that branch of philosophy which studies the principles of right and wrong in human conduct.

Sarbanes-Oxley and Section 404: Old Dog, New Teeth

The failures we have seen in the quality and integrity of financial reporting in corporate America are clear evidence that something was awry. It is the responsibility of corporate boards, managements, public accounting firms and regulatory agencies to put confidence back into the financial statements issued by our society?s most significant entities. Although some would argue that Sarbanes Oxley went too far, it is also now evident that government action and the use of enforcement muscle was required, if for no other reason than to move toward rebuilding public trust. There is no doubt that Sarbanes Oxley, and in particular, Section 404, has increased the expense of doing business for public corporations; however, this is neither a new mandate, nor a superfluous one. All parties engaged in this process have previously ignored the mandate, and must now accept reality, and get past the complaining.

Lead to Succeed: The Seven Essential Steps to Work Leader Success

In my book "You?re In Charge?What Now?" I use a mnemonic to describe the seven essential steps to work leader success. The mnemonic is ?L.E.A.D.E.R.S? and each of these letters represents an essential step. While I have simplified the elements of leadership into seven words, the essence of my message is that being an effective, peak-performance work leader is simple, but not easy.

Bye-Bye Boring Meetings! Make Yours Remarkable!

It?s the middle of the night. You?ve woken up with a brilliant idea on how to improve the way your business product is delivered to your customers. You scribble it down and can?t wait to share it with your co-workers during your morning meeting.

Allan Kempert Discovers That Truly All You Gotta Do Is Ask

A year or so ago, I met Allan Kempert. Allan was the Quality Assurance Supervisor for a metal stamping company in Ontario, and just completed Norman Bodek?s book, The Idea Generator, Quick and Easy Kaizen. As Allan explains, he couldn?t put the book down because it was such a simple approach and he knew that it was going to empower the employees at his place of employment. In fact, Allan had tears in his eyes a few times while reading the book because he realized that he had come across a jewel. He spoke to the people in his department and explained how the program worked. He convinced them that it would be beneficial to the company to start a pilot program within their department.

Focus On the Prize

People talk to me about making personal and professional changes in their life. I hear comments about how hard they think it will be, concerns about their ability to be successful, pressure on themselves to produce results, etc. The anticipation (what you imagine or assume will happen) of the experience can be daunting enough to deter a person from taking the first step! How often does the anticipation match the reality of what happens? If your thoughts and emotions are getting in the way of what you want, read on for 10 tips to get going and stay moving.

Creating A Vision ? Bringing Your Dreams Into Reality

Do you have some goals you want to achieve or dreams you want to fulfill? A useful tool in reaching the outcomes you desire is the creation of a vision, which can be short or long-term. I recommend writing down specifics to add clarity and focus.

The Fairness of Office Politics... Integrity and Political Motivation!

I hear many complaints daily about the "unfairness" of politics in corporate America. Employees say that their managers "lie" or issue "personal attacks" against them. Indeed, based on the pure ideals that we are taught as a child, this might appear to be the case. However, the corporate culture is not the "real world" in which we live out our personal lives. Each corporate culture is its own world with its own rules and reality. To understand this, one must understand the directions and desires of this world and learn how to best adapt to achieve the vision and mission of the corporation.

Cultural Differences: Making it Work Virtually

Working virtually adds a whole new dimension to the phrase ?cultural differences?. It immediately becomes apparent how different people around the world work, live and network.

Collaboration: 3 Keys to Keeping Your Documents from Getting Lost in the Shuffle

Rethinking Workplace Security: How the Rules Have Changed

The workplace has traditionally been a dangerous place. Very early in mankind's history perils emanated from the place and type of work they performed. Long before industrialization, men mined precious metals, gems and fuel in the form of peat and coal hidden beneath the earth's surface. Extracting these materials brought with it the risk of cave-ins and being buried alive. Moreover, the quest for the most basic of all life giving substances, water, could also end in sudden death or severe injury as well shafts were dug in the soft earth.

Miracle Max On Market Breakthroughs

Successful enterprise building requires seven elements. These are:

Executive Performance -- Whos to Blame for Incompetent Managers?

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal raised the question: Who?s to blame for inept managers?

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