Business Management Information

How to get an Audiences Attention

A trainer dryly discussing how to motivate people in an organization basically has just another ?point-by-point? presentation. But suppose that he mounts the podium and begins to speak. Suddenly, a phone on the lectern rings. He ignores it at first, trying to continue. Finally he gives up, excuses himself and answers it. It is an engineer (off-stage voice) with a series of questions relating to the organization and the lecture topic. Although the presenter protests that this is ?highly irregular,? the offstage voice indicates that the issues are pressing and must be answered on the spot (while visual support flashes on the screen). Humor meaningful to the audience may be injected, such as, ?Why aren?t you at the meeting?? The lecture time is up, the presentation time has been used, and the presenter complains he ?never got a chance to talk to the audience.? But the audience members have received the information that the trainer had come to share with them, and in an attention-getting way.

How to Create a Trusting Manager-Employee Relationship

BUILDING TRUST AS A MANAGER: 1. Be reliable. Follow through on things. Keep your promises. 2. Have ethics. Telling your people the truth and don't reveal their confidences. Being fair and honest with employees. 3. Show respect for your employees. Treat them as adults and show appreciation for their ideas and for the work they do.

Creating a Team Working Environment

TEAM DECISION MAKING: Managers who invite participation believe that people directly affected by a decision should be involved in making that decision. The effort is toward joint, cooperative decision making. The aim is to give employees a chance to have a say about things that affect them. This means giving them more control over their own work and giving up some of your own power and control.

The Three-Dimensional Communication System

Human communication is always three-dimensional. No spoken or written message is ever just words or rational thoughts. Every interchange between you and another person has and takes place at the following three intimately related levels, or dimensions, of being: emotional, physical, and rational. Any attempt to communicate will succeed if all of these dimensions are adhered to. Knowledge of this three-dimensional nature is the foundation of training. You can?t get much closer to real understanding without these realizations.

The Idol-Makers

The end of the television season in May included the usual array of cliffhangers on shows like ?Alias,? the departure of Noah Wylie from ?ER? and the finale of the highly-rated ?Everybody Loves Raymond? after 210 episodes. On the last day of ?Sweeps,? more than 29 million people tuned in to see the crowning of the fourth ?American Idol.?

What Makes a Good Appraisal Interview?


Performance Evaluations Can Be Beneficial

THE PERFORMANCE REVIEW MEETING: It?s a fact ? most supervisors and employees have negative feelings toward performance appraisals and appraisal interviews. It?s often necessary to shift people?s thinking from the perception that the interview is a time of judgment to the perspective that supervisors can provide support and direction to employees who want to improve their productivity and be involved in the process. Most employees, after all, wish to work effectively. Few can tolerate the notion of working poorly and ineffectively. The appraisal is an important time when supervisors and employees can come together and talk about how to improve performance.

Training Adults, Not Teaching Children

Adults are vulnerable to personal and professional embarrassment from poor performance in the training program. Poor performance in the classroom may become the basis for personnel decisions by supervisors or the source of ridicule by peers. Economic benefits or promotion may be associated with the training program, creating a feeling of pressure to succeed. The way you handle these fears will largely determine the effectiveness and usefulness of your training program. To fail to recognize that adults have legitimate fears, or to treat them as children, is to guarantee failure.

Appraisal Interviews: What To Say & How To Say It


Performance Evaluation: How To Create Change

STEPS TOWARDS GIVING A GOOD APPRAISAL INTERVIEW: Give specific feedback. Statements such as, ?You?re doing a good job? and ?You?d better shape up? are almost without value unless accompanied by specific feedback on what the employee is to continue doing or to stop doing. If you evaluate with the word ?positive,? describe how the employee manifests that characteristic. If you say that the employee ?shows initiative,? talk about specific occasions on which the employee did indeed take the initiative. If in your appraisal you must deal with other vague adjectives such as ?cooperative,? talk about instances in which the employee has worked well with others.

How to Coach Your Emplyees and Increase Motivation

It is easy to spot the difference between a work team that is ?motivated? and one that just goes through the motions. The motivated team produces at or above the level expected by top management, has only occasional absences or tardiness, and low employee turnover. The second group has trouble meeting its goals, greater absenteeism, and higher turnover. In addition, members of the latter work team may be more apt to argue with one another or to band together against their supervisor. Can a supervisor who is also a good coach really make a difference? The answer is a definite ?yes? with a few qualifiers.

Dissenion Down On The Cubicle Farm

How content and satisfied are American employees? Not very!

Inspirational Power ( Part 1 )

The Fundamentals of Strategic Marketing, Some Key Traits for Greater Effectiveness

How to Manage Your Most Valuable Assets - People?

People management and leadership has become a major topic of conversation in today?s market place and have assumed mythical qualities. Managing you people is not that difficult if you are willing to invest one thing in their development; YOU.

Performance Management Made Easy

Performance Management is a process that both employer and employee often fear!

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