Business Management Information

Time Management Tips for Managers

Late last year I was presenting a workshop for the senior managers of a major organisation. Whilst doing a pre-workshop survey to assess the challenges these managers were experiencing it became very apparent to me that many of them were showing the signs of business burn-out. And it was no wonder why. They were suffering from 'Priority Problems'. Quite simply they were making the mistake of doing the urgent rather than the important tasks.

How To Decrease Profits Without Really Trying

Hurting your sales efforts can be accomplished easily with the proper guidance. The following effective yet simple ideas are designed to generate results when implemented into your sales strategy.

Manage Your Business from the Rockies, not the Prairies

The day job as a manager is all about managing your people to deliver, to meet the needs of your customers or clients and generating success after success! Right? And you have consequences if that doesn't happen.

Managing the Human Resource Project

We obtain strategic results by aligning HR mission, vision and values. The following overview highlights a macro approach to project management. Seeking a stretch assignment, such as ownership of a major corporate HR initiative, we lead our organization by example. Strategic project management affords an exciting and challenging opportunity to direct our futures and show case our talents.

Human Resource Communication Pays Off

Human Resource Communications and Corporate Communications ? are they one in the same? Both plan and develop written communication strategies to further the understanding and perceptions of their audience. Both provide counsel and editorial support for management communications.

Outsourcing Problem Analysis

As an HR professional, you have responsibilities in several broad areas that have a significant impact on your company?s bottom line, directly contributing to the corporate return on investment. The outsourcing choices you make are critical decision points that affect both your employer and the HR community at large. We recognize that you want and need to make informed choices, and we can help.

Making Change Work

Shaky Foundations

Managing Creativity

Creativity Starts Here!

Communication: Managements Responsibility

I've just watched, again, an episode in the Back to the Floor television series, which aired on the BBC (United Kingdom) and PBS (United States). Once more, communication turned out to be a key issue, as it often does in business stories.

Questions To Ask Employees You Want To Retain

Times of cost cutting and downsizing has dramatically impacted the way employees look at their careers. Employees at all levels now know better than ever that job security is no longer something they can count on. They've been required to think bigger, look at other options and do whatever it takes to prepare themselves for the future. In essence, they have let go of their corporate commitment and become "free agents" in search of the best opportunity available.

Leaning Toward Change

Seduced by the publicity surrounding the impact of Lean on organizations, it?s no surprise that people new to Lean, upon hearing or reading such information, are anxious to implement a continuous improvement initiative in their organizations.

Data Delivers Credibility

Over the past couple of days I've been setting up visitor counters, so people in another organization can accurately count the number of people who visit their event.

Succession Planning? ... Not on My Watch!

At first blush, it would appear there is no shortage of Succession Planning Advocates convinced in theory, the importance and benefits of corporate Succession Planning. In practice, however, real succession planning - or the overt lack thereof - runs juxtaposed to principle. The important question then is, ?Why??

Is this A Good Time To Sell Your Body Shop Business?

Have you ever asked yourself the question? ?Is this a good time to sell my business?? That is a question every business owner asks himself, everytime he has a bad day. I once received e-mail from the editor of the Auto Body News, asking me that key question. ?What is happening in the market today? Is this a good time to sell? ? My quick answer was ?These are very interesting times.?

A Sense of Humor in the Workplace ... Is it Me? Or, was that not funny?

When I was first initiated into Corporate America, I had a sense of humor that went unmatched by any mortal soul. I was quick-witted, smart, sharp, and knew every gag and joke available to humanity. Most of it, I learned in college. But, college never really did teach the fact that having a sense of humor in the workplace is different than 'jocularity.' After a few brushes with career-chaos, I realized that the definition of 'corporate humor' deals with how one handles oneself and not how one can elicit laughter.

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