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Succession Planning? ... Not on My Watch! At first blush, it would appear there is no shortage of Succession Planning Advocates convinced in theory, the importance and benefits of corporate Succession Planning. In practice, however, real succession planning - or the overt lack thereof - runs juxtaposed to principle. The important question then is, "Why?" How to Build Your Business and Still Take Time Off We all know people who are like human dynamos. They seem to make an art form of building their business and still enjoy quality time with friends and family. It isn't magic, you can do it too. Better Management Performance - The Easy 3-Step Way Managers make three mistakes when they try to run businesses. They do too much, they don't trust their people and they don't have enough skills. Here we explore an easy 3-step process to get your business back on track and get a life. Accountability Equals Meeting Success Leslie was the new manager of the group. She was replacing Tom, a well respected manager who was retiring. Once she arrived, she made it one of her first priorities to sit down with everyone on the team and get to know them. Performance Evaluation: How To Create Change STEPS TOWARDS GIVING A GOOD APPRAISAL INTERVIEW: Give specific feedback. Statements such as, "You're doing a good job" and "You'd better shape up" are almost without value unless accompanied by specific feedback on what the employee is to continue doing or to stop doing. If you evaluate with the word "positive," describe how the employee manifests that characteristic. If you say that the employee "shows initiative," talk about specific occasions on which the employee did indeed take the initiative. If in your appraisal you must deal with other vague adjectives such as "cooperative," talk about instances in which the employee has worked well with others. Innovation Management ? The Need For Knowledge Managers Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. The Three-category Approach to Performance Management: Effort, Ability, or Environment Performance Management is the act of managing personal or organizational performance. What can complicate this process are all the factors that can arise where a textbook process meets the situations and people that exist in your world. As an effective director, manager, or supervisor it is your job to ensure the success of the organization by achieving of all key performance indicators. Is Your Business A Dysfunctional Family? The other day I brought my mother into an appliance store to purchase a television. By the time we left with her new television, she was completely disgusted. Unlike most of us, she comes from an older generation that actually expects salespeople and store employees to think of customers as valued visitors that represent their primary source of income. I wish that I could say that the store we visited was the exception, however, it was more the rule. Innovation Management ? Emotion, Habit, and Culture can be Hard to Change! Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Forecasting Support Costs Did you know that maintenance accounts for 50% to 80% of the overall product cost? Well, it does! And while most project managers are fairly good at sizing new product features, many are terrible at estimating the effort required to support a product once it becomes generally available. As a result, maintenance projects are inadequately staffed, companies can't respond to customer requests in a timely manner, and products never reach payback. How to Delegate Effectively ACCOUNTABILITY: Delegation is not complete unless subordinates are held accountable for their work. They should be accountable to only one person-usually their immediate manager-and must understand what criteria will be used in judging their performance. They must also understand that unless the job is done successfully, they will be replaced. Though ultimate accountability cannot be transferred and does rest with the manager, managers must be willing to support the actions and decisions of those in whom they have placed their trust. They must stand behind the results-whether good or bad. Smart Choices: How to Hire the Best Your organization's continued growth and success depend on making smart choices and hiring the best. Today's economy is exploding with talent, allowing you to be selective about the staff you hire. Yet, the crucial step to filling a position is finding the right talent for your organization - someone that has the skills for the job, easily blends with the culture, interacts well with the team and believes in your mission. Will a Workplace Bully Bankrupt Your Company? Safeguard Your Company Against Harrassment Claims Office Politics Office politics! It's just another way of saying: "The employees are not getting along!" I Said Pareto Chart? Not Potato Chart! Does this sound familiar? You were hired for the new management position. You were tasked to turn the numbers around. You take some time reviewing the current situation. Now it's time to take a look at the current processes and get your staff together to analyze the data. You tell them that you want to brainstorm; work on a few mind maps, whip out a couple Ishikawa's to get started and then have them bring Pareto charts relative to their respective functions. The Power of ?Ask? For Call Center managers, it is not a pipe dream to improve employee moral while increasing productivity. It may even come easy to some to find fresh, new ways to reduce performance problems. Sound like an advertisement for something unattainable? Perhaps try to engage, involve, and connect employees to their work by the power of ASK. Small Business Checking Accounts ACCOUNTING AND BILLING Lack of Operations Manuals Stunting Your Growth? Lack of Operations Manuals stunting your growth? This Old Business Not long ago I was asked to come out and take a look at a business that had been around for about 10 years... but the owner was frustrated with the amount of money he was making. Computer Consulting Profit Secrets Do you own or manage a computer consulting company? Are you having trouble growing your computer consulting company's profits? |
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