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Outsourcing Quiz: Cheap Vs. Good Someone can say, 'Why do you oppose this?' So I'd like to prevent such attacks and tell that this article is dedicated mainly to the issue if it's worth to look for the cheapest solution. Human Resource Employee Risk Profile - Management Risks Explained Human Resource Employee Risk Profile How To Rebuild Trust Here are some quick thoughts on ways to turn things around. Manufacturing Capacity as a Commodity Excess capacity in an automobile plant at Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, GM, and Honda is a commodity and those who study finite capacity scheduling modules can readily see the possibilities for increased production and that means profit. Einstein said time is relative, that is true, time is relative, manipulating commodity theoretical models allows companies to see thru time and keep costs and purchases on an even keel without the problems of relative time. Thus the commodity can be simplified to price/cost models. The commodity is still relative to fluctuations in currency, weather, and supply and demand. There is no reason a company like Ford cannot take those plants, which have closed and use them to make something else. Instead, they ran their plants at maximum capacity or close to it, and built lots of cars, which are now in the dealers or on their way to the dealers and there is no need to run the plants now sense there are enough cars built. If the cars become scarce, then the price goes up. As with anything; supply and demand. Are cars a commodity? It appears they are, but more so the time in the excess capacity in the factories is the real commodity although from a purely conceptual standpoint, both the time and the cars are commodities. Assertive Communication - 6 Tips For Effective Use Assertive communication is the ability to express positive and negative ideas and feelings in an open, honest and direct way. It recognises our rights whilst still respecting the rights of others. It allows us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions without judging or blaming other people. And it allows us to constructively confront and find a mutually satisfying solution where conflict exists. New UK Laws on Staff Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Procedures October 2004 saw the introduction of the Employment Act 2002, which has brought a new approach to staff dispute resolution. Agendas Make Meetings Productive Having an agenda template that works well for you, week in, week out, creates a consistency which gets your people bought into the process. Delivering an efficiency and effectiveness which makes the most of the valuable time you have together. Key points to note are:- Maximizing Sales through the Ultimate Tracking Software Every small to mid-sized business owner would love to know how to effectively keep a pulse on their marketing and customer service efforts. The common barrier that all companies run into is how to cost effectively measure and control this process. Business Fit I have been an entrepreneur for over twenty years and have absolutely embraced information that would help maintain a well managed and profitable business. We have been a part of the information era for sometime now. As business owners, we have access to more information than ever in this generation of technology. But how can we use this technology to aid our business? MANAGING CRISIS; when you?re too good at it When you are acclaimed for excellence during times of crisis you may not feel so good in a non-crisis environment. You may not shine so bright, perform so well, be quite so acclaimed. If crisis is how you satisfy your personal need to be needed, to feel accomplished, to be respected, to be heard, to be noticed, blah blah blah, then you will naturally seek out, create, attract, be drawn into situations that will allow you to meet this need. Your environments and relationships will be filled to the brim with one crisis after another. Loyalty, Motivation And Work-Life Balance Managers who aren't loyal to their people can't expect loyalty in return. Companies that complain about employee loyalty have usually done nothing to earn loyalty, often routinely lying to employees, demanding sacrifices that are never rewarded, shunting them aside and casting them off in the name of good business. Organizational Capital in Politics, War, Sports and Business Intangible Corporate Assets such as Organizational Capital, Blue Sky and Brand Name Capital, actually they all have a common thread in my opinion. Here are some thoughts on these issues. And first I would like to comment on a couple of UCLA, Anderson School of Business items which are of interest. And I must say these research pieces are somewhat cutting edge, in business management theory. Never Wrestle with a PIG The business books at the library and book stores fill many shelves. Some authors tend to run a little long at the keyboard. There is one voice that stands out from the crowd, Mark McCormack. The Top Six Reasons to Buy Rather Than Build an Inventory Management Solution Is building your own inventory management solution really your best bet? Issue Management Methodology for Tracking Project Issues 1. What is an Issue? Employees - Treat Them the Way They Expect to be Treated When you have to deal with one of your team who's complaining to you, rather than allowing your negative programmes to take over, get your thinking part in gear and try to see the situation the way they see it. You don't necessarily have to agree with them but perhaps you can empathise with their point of view. Time-Wasting Problems - One Question to Move You Forward In any organisation, progress is frequently impaired by the time taken up to resolve problems that occur again and again - usually with people's performance (or not!). At a macro level, there could just seem to be 'lots of problems', which is a symptom in itself. On a micro level, managers are often frustrated by the amount of time they spend fire-fighting, whilst the more creative work of planning, developing people, marketing and more are left way behind.There just isn't time. Build onto that the lack of fairness, that having to regularly resolve problems posed by just a few demanding people in the team, can leave many others, including the manager himself, very de-motivated. Then your best people start to leave... Turn Your Speech Into A Leadership Talk My experience working with thousands of leaders world wide for the past two decades teaches me that most leaders are screwing up their careers. Spirits in the Corporate Boardroom.......Oh, sure...... However, then came the 9/11disasters which shook up the United States and impacted on the whole world. While the world must now face the real issue of terrorism, perhaps something positive can come out of the trauma. I hear, between the lines, that it's not 'business as usual' anymore. There was corporate karma hiding behind 'success stories'. This started to come to light with scandals and more failures. The economy faltered as we all know. Leadership: Stoking The Success Train Everyone wants to succeed yet everyone has a different perception of what success means and what it will bring into their lives. It is a means of gaining financial freedom for some and for others it means a healthy, happy family life. There are others who define their success by the power that their job title brings and others who feel successful when they believe their leadership skills excel above others. |
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